Arriving in Kenya on February 10, 2010 of our Lord we were greeted by our Brother John Githinji and Sister Gillian Shivairo who had traveled through the valley of the shadow of death to come and greet us and give us safe escort to Kitale, Kenya and the work of the Lord in East Africa. They were joined in greeting us by Brother Ronald Kasembeli and his lovely wife Linda. These precious souls gathered us at the airport and brought us to the Christian Guest House in Nairobi.
Sister Gillian, in spite of serious wounds suffered in her home during an attack upon her and those children in her home; had traveled with Disciple John Githinji to gather us in Nairobi upon our arrival in Kenya. On their journey to gather us; the bus was overtaken by men who sought to rob and kill all upon the bus. They were driven into the bush to be forced outside and lay upon the ground face down and robbed; yet by the grace of God their lives were spared (usually in such instances all are killed). These brave souls made the journey to insure our safety and good transport to Kitale, Kenya.
During our time in Nairobi, Disciple Beck, Apostle Larry, and Myself took care of the needful business that was needful for our time in Africa. We helped our Brother Beck to get his visa’s and we also obtained our Tanzania visa. We also were blessed to enjoy the company of Brother Ronald and Sister Linda in Niarobi. We introduced Ronald to the Church of Christ with the Elijah Message (Sister Linda is already a member.), and prayed for their lives, their home , and God’s Blessings upon them. These two precious souls share love of God so freely with all and had warmly blessed us with food, and blessings of God in their love and friendship toward us. It was an honor to spend time in their home and in their lives and know that Christ is laboring with them in great measure.
As we prepared to leave Nairobi we were then also joined by Disciple Fred Mikangi and Sister Beatrice. The blessing of God to have these two beloved souls from Kitale to come also and insure our safe journey to Kitale, warmed our very souls and the joy we felt could not be measured. Disciple Fred came even though he suffered with malaria and thypoid and both he and Sister Beatrice had a joy and warmth that had no bounds.
Such are the Brothers and Sisters in Kenya , whom travel at hazard to their own lives to share the love of God and fellowship, to care for we the least of all the brotheren and bless us with food, fellowship in Christ, and unto our every need. How can one measure the goodness and Christian love that is displayed in the actions of these our Brothers and Sisters? Simply the journey itself is wrought with danger and hazards, but with no thought for themselves, they come and care for our needs.
We arrived on the evening of the 13th of February in Kitale, Kenya, knowing all the while that even in Nairobi we would return and labor further with those whom have need and hunger for the Word of God in that area.
It had been eight years since Brother Larry and I had been in Kitale an yet it was as if we had never left. We walked to the Church plot and the temporary church which was erected there. We praised God for His Mercy and Goodness, in providing us once again to look upon a work of God which had begun so long ago.
God’s goodness and grace has a way of humbling each of us, and I know full well that each of us: Disciple Robert Beck, Apostle Larry Gosier Williams and myself felt with deep humility the Spirit of God and His Blessings which were very obvious to even the casual observer here in this place. We were also blessed greatly with the love of a young child of two years named Terrence Wekesa ; who would be an almost constant companion during our days in Kitale.
Sunday morning of the 14th of February 2010 found us in the Kitale Local preaching and sharing the Word of the Lord to over 300 beloved souls and some guests from other denominations. The Lord was the most honored guest and led all whom had come to be fed with His Word and His Blessings. God’s healing was in abundance and so was the gift of prophecy and of tongues and interpretation of tongues. Disciple Beck preached upon Love and shared the importance of having the love of God in all that we do. Apostle Larry continued in the service of the Lord sharing his experiences in his first coming to Kenya and how much the Lord has blessed and helped the people to grow and prosper in Christ. He shared also the importance of holding fast to the doctrine and foundation of the Lord and remaining true to the promises we have made to God. I followed, preaching from Philippians chapter 1 and 2 and the forty-fourth message concerning following the Lord and remaining in His Will and not allowing our own desires and wants to overrule the Spirit and Power of God. I also stressed that it must be that those around us may witness Christ within us. The service was then blessed with hymns of worship and Apostle Larry leading us in praise worship through song.
At the end of the service we were honored with gifts from the flock and local of the Lord. They presented each of us and the Disciples and Sister Gillian with a rose , a plaque, and a wreath for our necks. The presents touched me so very deeply and warmed my heart to overflowing. I feel so unworthy of the love that each of my Brothers and Sisters share with me each day.
On Monday the 16th of February, the Lord Blessed us with meetings with some of the membership and Elders of some of the locals. God blessed us in these meetings with a fine man, married with seven children. His name is Daniel Michoki Mogaki Bore and we studied with him and others who had gathered in the Church for a time on fasting. The Lord God moved upon the Spirit and he was called and ordained as an Elder in the Church of Christ with the Elijah Message. Apostle Norman D. Lyles ordained him, assisted by Apostle Larry Gosier Williams and Disciple Robert Beck.(this was done on February 17, 2010) On the 17th through the 19th we met with the Disciples from Kenya and Uganda to plan the work while we are here in Africa. The meetings carried into the night and we were honored to find the Disciples in Unity and filled to overflowing with the Spirit of God. These men are good men, filled with honest hearts and willing hands to do the work of God. These are men with families and men who understand responsibility and the importance of having God in their lives.
During this same time we were blessed to speak with Brother Gideon Mare, a member and brother in the Church of Christ with the Elijah Message for over ten years, whom I had met in 2002. Gideon is a contractor, building large buildings and the Spirit of the Lord rests upon him. We discussed with him the possibility of finally building the East African Headquarters and requested he let us know the cost and how it could be done. He pointed out we have several carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and brick masons within the Church Membership and he would donate his time, his architect to draw up the plans and help us get all the government permits.
The Lord’s Church here in Africa has grown in numbers and in Unity of the Spirit and is rapidly expanding into other nations from this point of Kitale and surely it is time to build a headquarters here in East Africa, where all the nations in East Africa may come and learn of the Word of the Lord and of His Restoration of the Gospel of Christ that men have so long ignored. Yes, there are thousands of Churches throughout the world, but Jesus promised He would indeed restore His Church unto mankind that all might have a true chance to hear the complete Word of God and not the ideas and doctrines of man.
After much prayer and consideration of the Word of God and His Holy Spirit: God’s Holy Spirit bore witness to each of us (Larry, Robert, and myself ), that indeed it was time to construct the house of the Lord for East Africa. We had Gideon Mare have his architect draw up the plans with our input and contributions. Then he explained the cost in total detail. Then Disciple Beck of Germany offered to help in the building costs and to help us to oversea the building of the headquarters that all might be accomplished in the Will and Plan of the Lord. That night Larry and I called our brothers in America: Apostle Terry Laws and Apostle Darrel Bellamy and gave witness of all we had seen and done . We spoke to them of the need of the headquarters and the need of the nations in East and Central Africa to be able to gather, worship, and meet with the Lord to guide and bless the work here in this great continent. The Spirit of God washed over Larry and I as our Brothers in America were of one Spirit and in total unity! Within my heart and very soul God’s Word’s contained in Message 81:21 filled my vision and the Lord speaks saying , “Let the house of the Lord be built, and Church of Christ with the words I bring, the Elijah Message, be established everywhere. Come! All that love the Lord and this work, work together. This is the Lord’s anointed, and appointed, the associated ones of faith. Peace be unto all.” And also when there is Unity among the faithful His Work shall be done. The Unity and the Love that fills the hearts and souls of our Brothers in America and throughout the world is complete and in harmony with the Spirit of God. Even as my Brother Terry and Brother Darrel spoke unto us we could witness the Lord’s Spirit in all that they shared with us and it was difficult to contain the joy of the Lord and His Power. To have such Brother’s as these fills our hearts to overflowing. I thank God always for our Brothers there in America. We truly thank each of you for your prayers and your support, without which the work of the Lord could not be accomplished..
The house of the Lord in Africa will be completed before Brother Larry and I depart Africa! It will be built through the Power and Grace of our Lord Jesus the Christ and the understanding and blessing and prayers of our Brothers and Sisters in America and Europe.
As I close this report we prepare for Services in Kitale on Sunday the 21st and our then departure for Rwanda, we pray that each of you can rejoice and have a small understanding of the things of God transpiring in Africa as you pray and support the Lord’s Work. We shall continue as much as possible to keep you informed of all that God is doing today in this His Church throughout the world. God bless each of you.
Your Brother in Christ,
Apostle Norman D. Lyles