Archive for May, 2010

On this Memorial Day let us remember the ones that served for our country and the family of the ones that did not make it back.  It cost a lot to have freedom, so lets thank toughs that have payed the ultimate price.

Dear Ones,
In Christ Jesus I great you this day. May the grace of the Lord be upon each of you.
We are well in the Lord at this time thanks to His love for us. We are in Sivagangai India meeting with the saints that was baptize in 2002 on our first visit to the south. We thank god that they have held on to Christ. We need your prayers that the Lord wil continue to direct us by His Spirit. We want only to do His will.
To God be the glory in all things.
Apostle Larry T. Gosier.

Here are the sermon files from May 23.  We had some technical difficulties on the 18, so we were not able to record the sermons that day.

May 23, 2010 Darren Bellamy

May 23, 2010 Edward Coffey

Greetings in the Name of Christ our Lord. Blessings to all. We are in Chennai South India at this time and it is HOT. We are doing well and the Lord is with us. Want to thank each and everyone for their prayers on our behalf. Without your prayers and support this mission would not be possible. We thank our Lord for His blessings. There is much we must do here for the Lord. Keep us in your prayers. We left New Delhi on the 19th of May. Brothers Vimal Jaitly and K.K. Kapoor are traveling with us. We thank the Lord they had the time to travel with us. We will be back in Delhi on the 17th of June where we will labor for the Lord until we move on to the Philippines.
Apostle Larry T. Gosier.

What was witnessed in Heaven?  Why an angel earthly bound.

Had he something in his bringing?  Yes — The Gospel’s Joyful sound.

It was to be preached in power,

Upon the earth the angel said,

To all men, all tongues and nations,

That upon its face are spread.


Had we not before the Gospel?

Yes –had several taught by men.

Then what is this latter Gospel?

Tis the first one come again.

This was preached by Paul and Peter,

And Jesus Christ, the head.

This we latter saints are preaching,

We their footsteps wish to tread.


Where so long had been the Gospel

Did it ever fall away?

What became of those neglected?

God is just, is all we say.

Seek no crop where none is planted,

Nor a day where reigns the night.

Now the sunshine bright is beaming,

Let all churches see aright.


For ’tis the very John the Baptist,

Down to earth has made his flight.

He has come as the very Elias,

To set all Christendom, aright,

The Gospel with angelic admonition–

‘Tis deliverence, and the way.

The gate is baptism through the water,

To bring us to that Eternal day.

File from yesterday.

May 09, 2010 Tim Gosier

Our Missionary efforts began in Kenya with Disciple Robert Beck of Germany returning to Germany and His work for the Lord in Europe. It was a painful goodbye to this fine brother who has been such a wonderful help to the work of Christ in Africa. Few can understand the sacrifice and dedication of this fine man who gives so willingly of himself for the Lord’s Work and the Lord’s People. I always feel so honored to have him travel with us in our journeys. He has wisdom and the ability to teach and preach in a way that really moves souls to Christ. His humility and love for the Word and the people cannot be matched.

Brother Larry and I departed for Namanagala this morning aboard Piki-Piki (Motor cycle) and a half hour ride (which is much easier than walking).  There we were blessed to fellowship with the church where Disciple Peter is pastor. We were blessed to share with his flock the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and answer many questions concerning various topics that they had questions and the Lord was able to answer and satisfy the flock. We also blessed 7 children and prayed for the sick.

The following day we would depart on a three week absence from the Kitale area, and a journey that would carry us over most of western Kenya.  Traveling with us were Disciples John Githinji and Peter as we headed for the Matati Local. The Local is Vice Bishop Morris home area and he would welcome us there and be our host as we labored in his area. We worshiped under a large tree in the absence of a church building and were blessed with several catholic guests who were anxious to hear the word of God and share in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The next day we traveled first to the home of Francis Mwansi in the area of Masatha. Francis had moved there recently and requested we stop by and teach the people in his area. We did indeed teach there for several hours and the Spirit of the Lord was strong as we all considered the Word of God and what He has to say about the day and time we live in. Francis lives in a very rural area and yet the people walked quite some distance to hear and share in the Word of the Lord and learn of what God is doing today. We also ordained Francis Mwansi to the responsibility of Evangelist and tried in several ways to help him in his area n our short stay in Masatha.  We departed the home of Francis late, but were able to travel to the Kamolo Local and the home of Brother Godfrey who has been in the Church since it first came to Kenya. The next morning we would hold classes for ten hours on the Church’s foundation, witchcraft, the rapture, the mark of the beast, sin, and baptism. We also answered a multitude of questions on a wide range of subjects which were of interest to the flock, including marriage, divorce, healing, and casting out of demons. Again, our classes were held under a tree and then into the night in a hut. We finally finished up about 2am and then slept for a few short hours until 6am and a departure for the Nambale Local church some distance away.  It had been eight years since we had set foot in this local and we were surprised to witness how much it had grown! The membership could not even fit in the large church and members and guests sat outside listening to the services and teachings. We would teach and preach here for two days and one night. We would also baptize several precious souls and ordain Evaristus Munyakenye to the office and responsibility of Disciple for East Africa. We also ordained his son as an Elder in the Church. During the Church services the following day; as we administered to the sick and prayed for them; a young woman came forward for prayer of her child. We prayed for the child and the child was healed instantly, but the woman was demon possessed and we prayed for her as well and the demon was removed. It is an experience that is common in parts of Africa and other countries that practice witchcraft. The demon spoke to us in English (the woman knew not how to speak in English/ only Swahili), and asked us who we were and we replied servants of the living God; to which the demon replied in Swahili, “Where do you want me to go?”  I told her this child belongs to Christ and you have no right to her –depart in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ. The demon as where again and I replied back to hell from where you came and the demon departed. The woman fell limp for a moment and then began to praise God in Swahili and thank Him for her freedom and give glory unto the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of flock began to praise God as well and it was a powerful witness unto those who were witness to the Power of God!  The mosquito population should have grown fat on this part of the journey, as my body looks not unlike a pin cushion from the bites.

We journeyed late this day for Bungoma, somewhat with concern, as our Brother Peter had come down with malaria and it was troubling him very much.

We took him to a hospital in Bungoma and had him treated there by a doctor. His Malaria was such a problem at that point, we sent him back to Kitale with Vice Bishop Morris to care for him and to take him to a better hospital in Kitale. (He would recover, although not for a few weeks)

At Bugoma we would spend much time on the foundation of the church as contained in Ephesians chapters two and four. It has been a huge help for those in Africa to understand the foundation of the Apostles, prophets, and the Lord Jesus Christ. So many questions that we take for granted in America are very real concerns and demand attention in several places in other parts of the World. It is sometimes surprising to learn of so many different doctrines and witness clearly, how mankind has departed the Word of God for the things of man. People worldwide have become complacent when it comes to the Word of God; and yet it states plainly in 2 John verse 9, “Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God.” If you have not the Doctrine of Christ; that only leaves one other doctrine: Satan. Who among us would want to have the doctrine of Satan? The Bible is so specific and serious about this subject: read first Timothy chapter 4:1-3 and Amos 8:11-12 and tell yourself that God has not warned us of the time we live in.  We find the people in Africa very interested and wanting to be firmly on the foundation of the Lord.

From Bungoma, we traveled to Bucharo and to the home area of Disciple Fred Makangi.  We arrived in the late afternoon amid rain and were so warmly welcomed by Disciple Fred’s entire family. The local there is called the Bucharo Local and the family has even given a plot of land for the building of the Church structure. While at this local we ordained Peter Mukhwana Muchuma into the ministry and this solid young man will be a blessing unto those who live in the area of the Bucharo local. Fred’s family made us feel so at home and although we were blessed by a lot rain; the Lord’s Word still was taught and preached to all that were gathered. It was such a blessing to stay at the home where Disciple Fred was raised and meet with his folks and all his relatives. We shall always remember the fine welcome they gave us and the warmth and love they shared during our time in the area.

From the Bucharo local we traveled to the home of Gillian Shiviaro’s parents and once again were welcomed warmly. It had been eight years since last we were here and her parents welcomed us as if it had been yesterday.   Her father shared with us his Quaker roots and explained how Christians had come to Kenya originally and some of the things they had taught the people. This amazing man had raised many children on a teacher’s salary, built a home with his own hands, and sent all his children to college.  The quality of his character and the integrity with which he carried himself is a lesson in human dignity and honor.

From the Shiviaro homestead we journeyed to the Gisambai local.  We would stay two days here and continue to teach and preach among God’s people and were blessed to stay with Francis Lunuki.  We also baptized many souls at this local and shared in the love of Christ with those who had traveled far to hear the Word of God. Departing the Gisambai local we then traveled to Elderot and the Hurama local. Disciple Tom Matekwa is Pastor here and welcomed us and we once again were able to share in fellowship and Joy with members we had missed for some eight years.  I even got to see my name sake (Norman) who was named after me some eight years ago:  he is Brother Benson’s son and what a fine young man he has become! Of course I might be prejudiced a bit. We taught and preached there for two days and one night and then walked about four miles to baptize several precious souls who had made a decision for the Lord Jesus Christ. Disciple Tom and his lovely wife, (who is soon to deliver another child) took excellent care of us and blessed us with food, a place to lay our heads and the warmth of their lovely home and fellowship that would match angels.

From Elderot, we traveled to the Sukunanga Local church and there we again taught and preached and were blessed to be able to teach on marriage and divorce and how God handles such matters. There were many questions and it was very needful for those present to learn of God’s answers and solutions to some very serious and difficult issues.

Departing Sukunanga we traveled two and half hours by mutate to the Moi Ben local Church and were welcomed warmly again by the precious souls who love God and His Word. Moi Ben is somewhat isolated and off the beaten track. It is a bit like traveling back in time. Nasiali Hudson is the Pastor of this church and is a man of solid values and honest report. He loves the Lord and His Word and preaches and teaches with authority. We were blessed to share in the Word of God with those honest in heart and the Holy Spirit was in abundance as we looked carefully into the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit witnessed to the truthfulness of His Word and His Understanding washed over all present. It was a pleasant and fulfilling time for all present.  We then departed for the long journey to Kitale and a night of rest and a day to try to put things together for the next leg of our journey among the local churches of Western Kenya.

On April 23 we traveled to Kacheliba and the area of the Pokots. We had longed to be among our beloved brothers and sisters in this wonderful place. We completed the three and half hour journey by mutate to the drop off place and then expected a five hour walk back to the local church.  We were pleasantly surprised to find we would ride piki-piki back to the local church (motor cycle) and this save a tremendous amount of time and wear and tear. I remember the first time we came here and the walk along a moon lit night, walking along through the thorn brush and no visible path, but after five and half hours we arrived. Now when we arrived along the same path, we traveled by motor cycle and upon our arrival we discovered the Church they had built, the homes they had constructed, the community in Christ filled with His Love, respect, and dignity. What had been a good community of fine people with nothing; God had blessed with a water well, homes, a church, and a community who worshiped God and respected each other and carried the Word to the communities around them both in Kenya and Uganda. What a Blessing!  We preached and taught once more where we had begun a work eight years  ago and after two days of preaching and teaching we once again walked to the river and brought even more souls unto God through the waters of Baptism and the short walk to the river was truly a blessing to Brother Larry and Myself. It was as if we were attending a family reunion!! The Church has even developed a wonderful choir that blessed us with songs from the throne of God. Pastor John Kapeliswa has done such a wonderful work among his people and truly you can see the blessings of God in Him.

We traveled from Kacheliba to Lelani, and more specifically the local church of Kapero.  It was a beautiful journey and we were blessed with some mountains and packing our packs amid some steep mountains and a walk through moon lit paths and amid a bit of rain.  Disciple John Githinji traveling with us has been such a blessing as he adds so much to the work of the Lord. This tireless Disciple has traveled with Brother Larry and myself so many, many journeys and not only helps with translations in areas where it is needful; he and really all the Disciples bless us with  guidance and  information we would otherwise spend much time trying to learn on our own. I shall always thank God for Disciples such as John Githinji, Peter, Fred, Tom, and Everistus, Madembe, Gizamba, Alexander, and Abihud; who have given the Lord their time, their love, and their faithfulness. We are equally blessed with the Vice Bishops Gideon, Dancan, Morris, and Jarius. Without these precious souls the work would be so difficult and at times impossible. Truly God has blessed these men and we feel honored to have them laboring with us for the Lord.  After teaching and preaching for two more days and nights, the Lord again received several precious souls through the waters of Baptism and all witnessed unto the Lord of the Holy Spirit which had washed them clean and filled them with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Traveling from the Kapero local we journeyed to Kitale and were blessed once again by our sister Gillian Shiviaro who has taken such good care of us and looked to our every need. She is indeed an Elect Sister within the Church and blessing unto all who know her and have seen all she does for the Church and for the needy throughout the community of Kitale and really all of Kenya. God has blessed this sister and we give her the respect and honor she deserves.

Traveling on, we came to the Kabkawa and Machine local churches. These fine locals welcomed us warmly and made our time and our teaching a joyful and pleasant experience. They shared with Joy the Gospel of Christ and His teachings; rejoicing in the Word of God and showing the Christian love which makes our work so rewarding and blesses us so richly. Eager souls, with a hunger for the Word of the Lord, always brings joy to our hearts and  we pray we have left with them some of the understandings and knowledge of the Word of God which will keep them on a solid foundation of our Lord Jesus Christ and also give them a better understanding of the Church’s foundation.

The next morning we departed for Nairobi and the local there. We were so blessed to be able to stay with Brother Ron and Sister Linda. These are the same two precious souls which welcomed us upon our arrival to Africa some three months ago. I cannot begin to put into words what this fine couple means to us personally. Not only do they sacrifice everything to help us, but their love for the Lord God and His Word is truly amazing! Our Brother Ron simply went far and above what could be expected of anyone as he looked to our every need and sought in every way to help us. Sister Linda and Gillian worked tirelessly to feed us and wash our clothes, and make us feel comfortable. When I think of Christian love these two souls very much come to the forefront of my mind and I shall always hold them deeply within my prayers. We traveled amid rain and at times heavy traffic to the Church and taught for two days. Once again, God blessed us with more baptisms and souls who gave their lives unto the Lord Jesus Christ. The Nairobi local has strong leadership and men of solid Doctrine and men who teach and preach only the things of God. The People themselves are truly Christians who in spite of some real hardships, live the Christian life and uphold the standards of what it truly means to be a Christian.

After returning to Kitale, we then once again loaded up our packs and headed this time to the Sirende area and were blessed to stay with our Sister Regina. We would teach and preach for two days at this fine local and once again God provided several precious souls through the waters of Baptism. God also called two men into the ministry in this local and we ordained them into the ministry and feel certain they will be a great blessing unto the people in that local. The Local also presented us with gifts, which certainly we deeply appreciated.

The next day we traveled to the Soy Mini local and the home of Daniel Bore. This beloved brother we have known since our arrival in Kenya and have shown much wisdom in teaching membership how to become self sufficient in their lives and better able to provide for themselves. He teaches so well in fact, that the government has begun to help him and use him within the community to help many precious souls. We taught for two days here as well and again the Lord by His Holy Spirit drew many souls to the waters of Baptism and the Church gained many more good members. Throughout our journey in all of Africa; God has drawn many unto His Gospel and the Church continues to grow daily. The growth is solid and built upon a strong foundation and souls who come through the waters of Baptism are firmly grounded and understanding very clearly what the Gospel of Christ is and even more importantly: each has become a light unto the community surrounding them. The Light of Christ shines through them and in them.

On the 8th of May we met with the Vice Bishops and helped them to understand and effectively manage the Lord’s Funds and Work. W e have a good group of men who are filled with the Holy Spirit, of honest report and love the Lord and care very much for the flock. The men are serious about helping the Work of the Lord progress and it was very encouraging to witness their love for the Lord’s Work and their faith.

On May 9th we held services in Kitale Local Church and at the Headquarters Building site. The Headquarters Building is almost finished and it is truly a beautiful sight to behold. Brother Larry and I preached and then we served the Lord’s Supper to well over 300 present memberships. It was a joy to our hearts and yet it also was difficult for Brother Larry and me, knowing we would be departing to India in six short days. This would be our last Sunday in Kitale local Church and the East African Headquarters on this journey. It will not be easy to depart from Africa and those whom we love and have labored among to help the Work and Word of God. We thank God for the privilege of laboring here in Africa and share in the Love of God and His Word with all who are members in Africa. We will be meeting with the Disciples for the next few days and the Vice Bishops to give directions and instructions and guidance to help the Work stay on a firm foundation and a steady course for the Lord. These are men who at times hazard their very lives for the Word and Work of the Lord. There are many women who also labor without credit to make the work progress and to insure that the men who carry the Gospel to the people, do not lack in anything. Truly the women in the Churches here in Africa are true handmaidens of the Lord and without them the work would suffer greatly. I praise God for each of them and trust the Lord will bless them in every way.

I hope as each of you read this, you can understand the good things God has done and know that It is Him whom we give honor and praise unto for all that has transpired on this journey. A house built without the Lord will never stand and they, who try to build it, are doomed to fail. It is with that in mind, that we truly praise God and give Him Glory for all that He has done! We thank you for your prayers, your support, and your love. Please know that without all of this from you; there is nothing we could accomplish or do. God bless each of you and may His Peace Be upon you now and forever.

You’re Brother in Christ,

Apostle Norman D. Lyles

Tanzania Mission Trip

Blessings to all in the name of Christ our Lord. With Joy and peace in the Lord I write to you this day. This is the 1st of April and we arrived back in Kitale last night around 10pm.

We (Brother Norm, Fred, Tom, Robert and myself) left Kitale for Tanzania around 7:30pm on the 22nd. Of March. We took a taxies to the town of Eldora where we boarded a bus for Tanzania. At 11:30pm we were off. We traveled the night arriving at the border around 7:30am, town of Kehancha Kenya. We were to early to enter Tanzania so we found a coffee shop to wait our time. We had a number of bags with us and we took up quite a bit of space. After a while the owner asked us to move our bag outside because they were getting busy and customs had no where to sit. We could understand that so we moved outside. After about an hour we were able to move into Tanzania.

We had to wait at the border for our Brother Masatu Abihud. While we waited we had some food at local restruant. Our Brother finally made it and we were on our way. Our first stop was in the town of Mimosa. There we had to make a change to another vehicle for our final destination. While here we would buy the food that we would need for the time we would be at our brothers place. We had time to relax and have refreshments. We learned that we had quite a distance to go before reaching our brothers home. After a while we were on our way. At first the ride was ok but after a while the seats became very heard to sit in. We arrived around 6pm. The country side was just beautiful, the plains, the mountains, the farm land and the Homes. Some of brick made from the mud and some made from mud only. Some with iron sheets for roofs and others with straw for roofs. It is a sight to behold. God is great, it is so wonderful to see His handy work every where we go. God said that all the He made was good and we are truly seeing that as we travel.

Upon arriving at the Village of Chimati the home of brother Masatu, it was a blessing to arrive safely, we praise the Lord for His blessings. We were served tea and food. Got to meet brother Abihud’s wife and family, also a number of friends and neighbors. We sit around and visited until about 10pm. While visiting we were told one by one that there was water for a shower and each of us took a shower (open air). We were then taken to the home where we would be sleeping while we were there. There were five of us. And there were two rooms that the family gave up for us. We didn’t know these people and they didn’t know us but they gave us their home to live in. We must thank the Lord.

The next morning we were up around 7:30am, Tuesday Mar. 23 2010. We were served breakfast and afterward we went to brother Masatu home where we were told that we would be going to the village center to start our services of teaching the word of God. We had to walk about 15min. before reaching the center. Upon arriving there we moved inside. We were introduced and brother Norn had the floor to teach. The teaching was on the foundation of Christ church. It was explained that Christ established His Church while He was here and what is the foundation of that Church. The teaching lasted until 2:30pm. We then stopped for lunch and traveled back to our brothers home. We took lunch and by this time it was well in the evening so because of time we decided to continue our teaching there at brother Masatu home in the yard under the trees. The service went well thank to the blessing of the Lord. That ended our first day of teaching in Tanzania.

Today Thursday March 25, 2010 we are up at 8am went for breakfast which was just great. We then went to our teaching service. This Morning brother Robert started the teaching which went very well thanks to our Lord. Brother Norm finished the morning teaching. After lunch the teaching continued at the home of our brother with brother Norm teaching. When he finished the service was open for questions. This went on until supper which was around 7pm. We retired for the night at 11pm. It was a fruitful day in the Lord. Praise Him from whom all blessings flow.

This morning March 27th 2010 we are up at 7:30 am. It was a little ruff last night trying to find a soft spot on the floor made of mud, very hard (smile). I am not complaining I just want you to know the comfort we have. God gives us what we need to endure all things and we thank Him with all our hearts. We just ask that you keep on praying for us because we can’t make it without you. Again we are at our brothers home for breakfast. We are out side and it is just beautiful. While at breakfast we decided to just have our teachings under the tree because it was so nice this morning. This morning brother Tom was up first to teach then I followed him. I got to teach for about an hour before the rain came and it rained the rest of the after noon. It was supper time. We didn’t get to finish our study until late. The Lord has been with us all the way. It has been a blessed time in Tanzania. There was thos
e that requested Baptism. We plan to do that on Saturday, tomorrow. Thank you Lord.
Saturday March27th 2010. Praise the Lord for today. We are up at 8:30 a little later than usual but everyone is just fine in the Lord. We have been blessed with the weather sense we been here. The rain has been coming at night and the days has been just great. Yesterday was the first rain that came in the afternoon. Today looks great, the rain ended around 5am. And it is just beautiful this morning. We had breakfast an are just waiting for those who will be baptized today. Around 11am all was present and we started our journey to Lake Victory for baptisms. We wasn’t sure how far it was but we knew we had to make it there. We walked for two hours before reaching the Lake and what a beautiful sight that was. It was like walking up to the ocean with the waves beating on the sandy shore. There was 10 souls to be baptized this most wonderful day. As we walked to the Lake there was singing of praise all the way by those to be baptized, it was just wonderful. Brother Tom and Brother Masatu preformed the baptisms. Confirmations was done by brother Beck and myself and brother Fred and brother Norm. No one wanted to leave the Lake but we knew we had to get back and there was only one way to do that and that was the same way we came, walk. We started our journey back and on the way we stopped for refreshments which took some time. We continued until we came to the home of one sister that was baptized that had asked if we would come to her home and pray for the family. We did make the stop and prayed for the family and the home. There also was a child there that was sick. We prayed a special prayer for her. Thank you Lord for your direction. We arrived back at the house about 5:30pm. There were people waiting for us. Among them was a choir singing from the Mennonites Church. They were just great. They came to welcome us to their community. There were also members there from the SDA, PAG and Catholic Churches. We spoke and thanked everyone for coming. It was late and they all had to leave but some said that they would be back on Sunday afternoon.

Sunday march 28th . It rained most of the night and it is still raining. We had breakfast around 11am and it stopped raining around 2pm. Sure enough the Mennonite Church Choir came for service. Services went well in the Lord and the Choir was just great. We thanked them for coming and welcoming us into their community. It was a blessed evening and we thank the Lord for it. Brother Beck, Lyles and Gosier spoke to the people. Afterward we were presented gifts by our sister Abihud .This was our last full day at our brothers Church in Chimati, Tanzania.

This is Monday the 29th of March 2010. This morning we were to leave around 5am but to our surprise our ride did not show up. We went back to bed and was up at 7:30am. We were served breakfast and all the while brother Abihud was trying to arrange transport for us. After some time he managed to get Motor Cycles for us. They arrived about 10am and we were off and arrived at Seka Village around 3:30pm. When we arrived at Paster Jackson home we were greeted by his wife and others. Paster Jackson was from the New Life Ministry. We were served tea and a snack. After tea a young man had a question about the Sabbath Day. Brother Tom took the question and explained about the Sabbath Day. That took about an hour and a half, by this time it was late and we closed the service.

Tuesday March 30th 2010. Last night was ok. There were five of us sleeping no straw mats on the floor with foam under them not bad. We Started services this morning at 10am. Disciple Tom begin the teaching this day. We first introduced ourselves. Brother Tom taught on the foundation, he ended around 1:30pm. We took lunch and while at lunch the rain came. We got back to teaching about 4:30pm. Brother Tom continued and when he finished it was question time. The service went well thanks to the blessings of the Lord.

Pastor Jackson who had invited us to meet with his people and people of the Village stood and thanked us for coming and sharing the word of God with them but he had to think about what we taught before he make a decision. There were those that expressed their interest in the work and would be in touch with Disciple Masatu. The service ended around 6:30pm. We had supper and thanked the family for inviting us because we were leaving the next morning early.

We made plans for motor cycles to take us to the main Road that morning but it rained most of the night and the dirt roads was to bad for the cycles to make the trip. Now we had to walk and it was a wet and muddy one. It took us an hour or more to reach the main road but we made it thanks to our Lord. There we waited for transport to Mimosa where we would make connection for the border. All went well and we made our connection and we were off to return to Kenya. It was a blessed to Tanzania, thank our Lord. We arrived back in Kitale a little late that night. We thank the Lord for His blessings on our journey to Tanzania. It was a joy working in that part of the Lord’s vineyard.

May the spirit of the Lord be with all.

Apostle Larry T. Gosier `

This is a blessed day and we thank the Lord for keeping us. We are in Kitale this morning the 6th of May. We will be traveling to our last Local in Kenya today for an overnight.  We will return to Kitale and be here until the 12th when we will leave for Nairobi. We will depart for India on the 15th. God bless all
Larry and Norm.

You can now link directly from the blog to the Church’s Facebook account using the links to the right under “Follow us on Facebook”.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. ”

In our search for the truth, we must be careful of who we listen to.  There are many people who are doing their best to follow God, but if someone’s actions or words do not follow the teachings of God, we must not listen to them.  There will be many people who say they are following God and doing his work, but if listen and watch closely, they are not preaching the word of God.  Only follow a man as long as he follows God. If a person that you looked up to turns from God and starts to wonder away, you need to stop listing to them.  I know it is hard, but it is better to lose that person then you salvation.

Here is the files from yesterday.   Because of upload limits, I had to break it up into two files, even though there is just service.  Enjoy.

May 02, 2010 Terry Laws Part 1

May 02, 2010 Terry Laws Part 2