Archive for August, 2010

Genesis 1:1-5
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
God can do anything that he wants to. He is all powerful and all knowing.  Some people that the Earth was created by a big bang and others who say that idea is false.  I don’t know how the earth was created, I just know that God did it.  What tools he used or by what process does not matter to me.  The can be said in our lives.  God uses everyday events and people to do his work. Most of the time they don’t even know they are part of a master plan. Some people look so hard for God’s help they never see it when it comes. Let us not limit how or when God helps in our lives and just trust that he will.

Message 41:12

“I will cause my servants to be strong in the Lord that they shall stand before multitudes and proclaim the message of life to many that know it not, and thousands shall obey, for they shall come from afar and the hosts of Israel shall know their places. Therefore, be of good cheer, be pleasant in your work, speak the truth in humility, in kindness be your thoughts. Remember to be faithful and true, and the Lord God shall bring to pass all his strange act and fulfill all the promises that gladden the hearts of all those that think upon the Lord.”

We should be at peace knowing that God is in charge.  He tells us to trust him in all that we do. When we are week we can rest and know that God is our strength. He can get us though anything, no matter how hard that it seems.

Message 87:21

Be at peace. I leave a blessing in this place upon all that hear my words. I will continue to come until the work is finished.

Let us be assured that John will come again.  He promised he would come until the work is finished. We can not worry about the future of the Church or of God’s plan.  God has all things under control. Let us be filled with the peace that all things are in God’s hands.

Romans 8:31-32

“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”

When things get tough, we can take assurance that God is on our side. Nothing in life is to hard for God.  When things are tough on for us, remember God is there to help us. Any thing is possible with the help of God.

God is truly amazing. He promises that he will never forsake us. Even when life is hard and challenges come upon us God never leaves us.He loves us no matter what. Sometimes what we think is hard and not of God, God uses to bless us in ways we never could thought of. Sick to him for he will sick to us.

Matthew 22:36-40

Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

We have love God and each other.  If we love him, we will follow his will and love others.  Sometimes it is very hard to love other people, but that is what God tells us to do.  There is more hate in this world right now then ever before, but Love is the way of God. Love can bring people together and keep blessing coming. Let us love everyone, no matter what.

From Bro. Norm

“And thou shall command the children of Israel, that they bring thee pure olive oil beaten for the light, to cause the lamp to burn always.” Exodus 27:20

Olive oil is representative of the Holy Spirit and God commanded that the congregation of Israel have it burning always. All of us are the children of Israel and that commandment applies to you and I. We are to have the Spirit of God always alive in us and always “burning”, or active. It is the life giving force of our Lord Jesus Christ to lead us into all truths and give us His Will in our lives.

Jn 3:15-18 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

God sent his son to earth to suffer for our sake. What an out pouring of love towards us. In Christ we are able to go back to the Father and spend eternity with him.

Good Morning to all. I pray that all is well in the Lord with each of you. We are aboard a bus at this time on our way to a place by the name of Plaridal, Mis. Occiden TAC. This will be a five or six hr. trip. The Lord has really blessed here in the Philippines. Thank each of you for your support and prayers. May the Lord continue to bless.
Your Brother,
apostle Larry T. Gosier

Life is an amazing thing. One day we are not part of this earth and the next we are a bundle of joy. On the other end we are living life to the fullest and then the it its over. Make sure you get the most out of the time spent down on Earth, out only happens once and has a major impact on eternity.

Great shall be the joy in the hearts of men for they will hear the Lord’s words and humble themselves before him. The law of the Lord shall be written in each heart and all men will obey his will.

When we come to the Lord, there will be great joy in our heart and life.  We will be blessed by his spirit in our day to day lives that will give us peace and reassurance. God will always send us his joy and peace if we follow his will and are humble before him.

Wednesday June 9, 2010.
This morning we are up early for our journey to Erode. There is a brother there that we needed to visit with.Brother Vimal spoke to him when we first arrived at Chennai to let him know that we were in the South and would visit him. We left Chennai at 11am and arrived in Erode at 6pm. From there we took a Taxi to a Hotel. After getting settle in, we contacted our Brother and told him that we were in town and would like to see him in the morning if it was possible. He was willing to meet us the next morning. We then went about trying to find a place to eat. It took awhile but we found a place and by the time we got back to the Hotel it was 11:30pm. It was a long day. We praise the Lord for His strength.

June 10, 2010
Today we awoke around 7:30am showered and prepared for breakfast. We didn’t know where we would go. After Brother Jaitley and Kapoor joined us, we walked the streets looking for a breakfast place, which is not easy to fine in India since we didn’t know what to eat. We had to settle for coffee and some pastry. Brother Norm stopped at one place and our Brothers went to another. We got together later and went back to the rooms to wait for our Brother Dorairj to stop by. Brother Doraiji arrived at 1:30pm. It was a blessing to finally meet him. In 2002 we made an attempt to contact our brother with no success.

We talked with our brother for some time and learned that he had been part of a number of Churches. We explained to him the Church and wanted to know where he stood with the Church. We asked him did he have members that he wanted us to visit. We got a very slow answer which was yes. We were with our brother for three days and he never brought anyone by to see us neither did he take us to see anyone. We learned that he was not being true to us. When we departed, he came to the Train Station to see us off and there we were told that he would not join the Church. We thanked him for his time and wished him the best. We arrived back in Chennai at 7:30am on the morning of June 14th. We had breakfast ,showered and visited with the brothers about the trip. At 4:30pm we were off to Church in the town of Uraeapakkam. We arrived there about 6:30pm. At 6:45 service was started. Brother Norm and I taught this night and the Lord really blessed. We were able to get the people active and asking questions which was great. You knew from their reactions that they were understanding. After we finished speaking, there were requests for prayer which we did. While praying for one young man by the name of Abraham, the Lord spoke to him and called him as an Elder. We spoke to him about his call and he understood and excepted his calling. We praise the Lord for all His blessings. Brother Norm and I ordained him. It was a wonderful night in the Lord and we give Him all the glory. This was a long day also. We arrived back home about 11:30pm.

Tuesday June 15, 2010.
This morning we tried to sleep in but with the heat there is no way. We just tried to relax because this was the day that we left Chennai for New Delhi. We had a hot day today and now it’s 6pm and we are getting ready to depart the house of our brother Abraham. Just as we were getting ready to leave for the Train station a young couple came an asked for prayer. Of course we did it and was happy we did. We have their address and will stay in touch with them. Our taxi is here and we must go. Brother Abraham accompanied us to the bus station. He was there until it was time for us to depart.We had a blessed time in the South. May the Lord continue to direct the people.
We arrived in New Delhi at 8am on the morning of June 17, 2010. We thank the Lord for a safe journey.

Friday june 18, 2010.
Today we are up and about. We have a number of things that we must take care of today. Time is short and our tickets have changed. It was a hot busy day and we praise the Lord that we were able to get everything done that was needed. At 6:15pm we were at Church. The people were gathered for service. Brother Norm was the teacher for the night. The service went just great thanks to our Lord. It was a wonderful night in the Lord.

Sunday June 20, 2010.
This morning we went to the Church about 9:30am. We are among the first to arrive. Service was under- way at 10am. We began with song and prayer.The word was given and the Lord blessed. We had a number of visitors. Before service closed, there was prayer for the sick and those in need. It was a blessed time and we praise God for all His blessings. Thank you Lord for this day.

Monday June 21, 2010.
Today, brother Vimal had to work so brother Kapoor came over to escort us around the city to take care of personal things. At 5:30pm we were at our Brother Sita Ram’s home. He had invited us to have a study at his home. On Sunday Brother Sita was called by the Lord to the office of an Elder. This night at his home with his family he excepted the call and we ordained him. We had a wonderful study this night. Brother Norm taught on the Rapture that many christians believe in. By the word of God, he explained how christians are mislead. You can’t take part of the word and live on it .You must take all. The word says,” we must live by every word that comes from God”. It was a blessed night. Thank you Lord.
I can truly say that our time here in India has been a blessing and we praise the Lord for it all. I can also say that we need more time here, and everywhere we’ve been. That’s our feelings and thought. We know that we must be about the Fathers business. The Lord is with us and He is with the people. His promises is for sure.
We left India on the 24th of June and arrived in the Philippines on the 25th around 2:15pm. We had a wonderful flight from New Delhi to Hong Kong where we change from Air India to Philippines Air and continued on to Manilla.

May the Lord bless each and everyone this day.
Apostle Larry T. Gosier Williams.

The Lord’s Work In India

Praise the Lord for His wonder working power!

We arrived at Indira Gandhi International Airport New Delhi, India at 3:20am on May 16, 2010. It took us over an hour to get through customs .Brothers Jaitley and Kapoor were waiting for us on the outside. We traveled by taxi to brother Jaitleys’ home, We arrived at 5:20am. We visited a little and then retired to bed.. We were late for Church because,when we awoke, it was 10:30am. Service
had already turned over to brother Vimal who explained why we were late.When we arrived to church, Brother Vimal introduced brother Norm and I. It truly was a blessing to be back with the people again. We both spoke and after service, we were invited to Disciple Rajeshs’ home for a wonderful lunch. . We then returned to Brother Vimals’ home. It was a wonderful day thanks to our Lord.We praise the Lord for all His blessings.

The 17th and 18th, we spent getting things organized for our upcoming journey to Southern India .

Wednesday, May 19th 2010.
We left the home of Disciple Jaitley at 2:15pm en route to the train Station. We arrived a little early in order to purchase some food for the trip. Our Train departed the Station at 4:10pm. Our Car # was A/4,( we had a booth for four). We each had a place to sleep, because each seat turned into a sleeper which made it nice. We had planned to arrive in Chennai at 8pm on the 20th of May. however, due to inclement weather, our train had to be rerouted and we didn’t arrive at Chennai until 4pm on the 21st. It was a good time on the ride, because it gave us extra time to study with Brother Jaitly and Kapoor . Praise the Lord!
Our Brother Abraham was at the Station to greet us. It was a blessing to see him once again. We arrived at his home, relaxed for a short time and we were off to visit Church members at another brothers’ home ten souls were gathered at the home . There, we taught the word of our Lord . There were prayers for the sick and blessings of children. It was a blessed time. We thank the Lord for being with us.

Sunday May 23, 2010.
We were up early , left the house around 8am.. We had a distance to go, so we took public transportation. We arrived at the Church around 10am. It truly was a blessing to be here and meet with our brothers and sisters once again and to see that, many had remained faithful to the Lord. Brother Norm and I both spoke to the people and gave them the words of God.
After service we were invited to the home of one of the members. It was a blessed time there. We got to visit with each and everyone that attended Church service.
We arrived back at the home of brother Abrahams’ about 11pm. We thank the Lord for this most wonderful day
Monday May 24, 2010.
This morning we are up at 8am, after breakfast around 10am we began a meeting with the Disciples to plan how our time would be spent in the South. The meeting went well. Today was a blessed day.

Wednesday May 26, 2010
We are up this morning 8:30am had breakfast and about 9am we were on our way to Kurchipadi which was 4hr away. We arrived around 2pm and was greeted by our Brother Ganeshan. We were taken to his home where they had food prepared for us. We ate and visited for a while and then we moved to a Church that brother Abraham had the ok to use. There a number of people there, including the Pastor of the Church who wanted to hear the word of Go. Brother Norm presented the Church and the work the Lord is doing today to gather His people before He return to claim His Bride. Truly the Lord was with us and we thank Him for His blessings. Our return trip was via bus also.. We arrived back home around 12:30am. Yes it was a very long day.

Thursday May 27, 2010.
Today we are out around 12:30pm on our way to visit members that were gathering at one of their homes. It was a blessing to be there. There were a number of people there and the service went well thanks to the spirit of the Lord. The foundation of Christ Church was taught and all seemed to receive it well. There were no questions at the end. At the close of service there were prayer requests. Brother Norm and I did administer to those that requested it. It was a blessed night and we thank the Lord for it with all our hearts.

Friday May 27, 2010.
Another wonderful day in the Lord. Tonight we are with another group of people. This was a blessing. It is great to put the word of God before the people. We thank the Lord for the opportunity. Tonight Brother Vimal was first to speak and share this great work with those gathered. Brother Norm spoke next confirming the words of Brother Vimal and expressing further the work of God among the people today i.e. How Hes’ restoring His Church and gathering His people in these last days. There were prayers for the sick and those in need. We closed the service with prayer. We fellowshipped for awhile and then departed for home. Praise the Lord for the day.

Saturday May 29, 2010.
This morning we are up at 6:30am preparing to move to Sivaganga. We arrived Sivaganga around 7pm. We were met at the Bus stop by one of our brothers and escorted to the Hotel where we would be staying. Our room was quite small but we knew that we would make it work. After a while our Brother Dayandha came. He expressed how happy he was to have us there once again. After visiting for some time, we decided to go for dinner. Now the task was to find a place where we could eat. In the South you don’t have but two choices, hot or hotter. We did manage to eat a little something. We realized that this is what we had to look forward to for seven days. The Lord is our strength. It had been a long day and we decided to try and get some rest. Thank you Lord for the day.

Sunday May 30, 2010.
This morning we were up around 7:30am. Brother Dayandha was to come for us around 10am. About 8:30am Brother Jaitly. Kapoor and Abraham came for us to go to breakfast. We were back at our room about 9:30. Our brother arrived about 9:55 and we walked to the Church. The people had begun to gather by 10:30. There were quite a number. It was a blessing to be here in Savaganga once again. We thank God so much for our Brother Dayandha who had no communication with us for eight year and he remained true to the word of God. Praise the Lord for His working power! Service began with songs and prayer, after which. Brother Jaitley, Kapoor, Abraham, Norm and Myself. were introduced . I had the honor of speaking first today and Brother Norm followed. The Lord was with us by His spirit. It was a blessing to us and a blessing to the people. After service, there was lunch which had been prepared by the members. It was a joyous time in the Lord. We then returned to our room where we relaxed. At 6:30 pm, we were told that the evening service had been canceled which didn’t make us happy but we went along with it. The day was a blessed day even though it didn’t end the way we thought it would.

The next three days were spent teaching the people on the foundation of Christ. How men fell away from Christs’ Church and how God would restore His Church here on this Earth before He returned. There were questions, and thank the Lord they were all answered. We thank the Lord for the souls that He has touched that is seeking to know Him and His truths. We will continue to preach this gospel of Christ. On Thursday night Brother Norm taught on baptism. Hearts were touched and there were those that showed an interest in what was taught. We just pray that they will come to an understanding. We thank the Lord for His blessings.

Friday June 4, 2010
This morning we had breakfast. Brother Dayandhi came by the room and we devoted quite some time to talk with him about the work of the Lord. He explained to us the things that he wants to do for the Lord. How he wants to work with the people. He truly has been doing a wonderful work here in Savaganga. He said that he would like to focus more on the young. There is a great need to reach them now he said, which we can agree. It was great sitting with him and we felt his desire for the work of the Lord. Let us continue to keep him in our prayers. It was a blessed time with our Brother.
Tonight Brother Norm taught on the foundation of the Church which went well and souls was blessed. We learned tonight that there were those who wanted to be baptized. This was great news and a joy to our heart. The night ended with song and prayer to the Lord. Praise Him!

Saturday June 4,2010.
This morning we awoke up quite early. Our itineary for the day was to make a trip to the home of the Brother Kapoor’s parents. Brother Norm was not feeling well , so he did not make the trip.
Brothers’ Vimal , Abraham, and I left Savaganga around 9:30am traveled by bus. It was was very hot and dusty. We arrived at brother Kapoor’s parent’s home around 11:30am
It was good to see his family again. It was a blessed time in the Lord. We left there at 3:30 and arrived back in Savaganga at 5pm. At 6pm, we were on our way to Church for the evening service. Brother Norm was the teacher for the night.
It was an interesting night. The rains came and the power went out so we moved inside with candles and continued with the service. All went well in the Lord. And we praise Him.

Sunday June 6, 2010.
This morning we had our usual breakfast of coffee and Pita Bread. Brother Dayandhi came by early to tell us of the events of the day. There would be regular services, and in the afternoon there would be baptisms. This was a joy to our ears and we give God all the praise. Both Bro Norm and I spoke this day and the Lord did bless. We fellowshipped for awhile after services and then returned to our room to rest until time for baptisms. Around 3pm, we were taken by a bus to the Church where members and those to be baptized were waiting. They all boarded the bus and we were off. We traveled to a very large irrigation pond. Brother Norm and I baptized and confirmed the new members. Praise the Lord! There were three souls baptized at this time. We know that the Church will continue to grow in the Lord. There was a young man and two young ladies baptized this day. We returned to our room where we showered and got ready for the evening service. At 7pm, we were back at the Church. We spoke on how the word of God is true and being fulfilled this day. How the Lord is restoring His Church and gathering His people. All must come into this way of the Lord. This also was our last night with the people in Savaganda. It was not easy speaking that night. We said our farewells and returned to our rooms. It was a blessed night.

Monday June 7, 2010.
This morning is a slow morning it’s the day of our departure back to Chennai. Brother Dayandhi came over and we talked with him for awhile. He told us that his brother had invited us to lunch. There was no getting out of that one and we arrived at the house about 12pm. We were welcomed by our brother and sister. The lunch was just wonderful. We had a blessed fellowship. We returned to the hotel around 3:30pm. There we rested and talked more with our brothers about the work in India. At 6pm, we went next door to have Chinese food. It was a nice quiet little place. The food was good.
At 7:15pm we were on our way to the train station for our trip back to Chennai. We boarded our train at 8:45pm and at 9:!0 we were off. We arrived at Chennai at 8:30am the next morning.
After reaching Brother Abrahams home we took showers and tried to relax a little. It was not easy because it was very hot. At 5:30pm we were off to visit a Church family.. We arrived at their home around 6:30pm. We were welcomed with open arms. Brother Norm and I spoke to the people and the word of God was well received by all. After service there was prayer for the sick and those in need. We were back at home about 11pm. It was a blessed night in the Lord.

Here is the last video from Africa. I hope you enjoy it.  It is of several people joining the Lords church.

Here is the third Video from Africa. This video shows the building of the new East Africa Headquarters building in Kenya.

Here is the second video from Africa. It is a clip of Larry introducing himself before preaching to a large group of people.

Here are the sermon files from July. I was not able to upload all of them, but here is what I could get to work.

July 04, 2010 Phil Meihls

July 04, 2010 Terry Laws

July 11, 2010 Terry Laws

July 11, 2010 Edward Coffey

July 25, 2010 Chris Laws

July 25, 2010 Terry Laws

This is a first of several posts of videos from Africa.  This video is of different songs.  It is amazing to watch people of other cultures praise the lord in there native land.