The morning of the 12th I arose at five in the morning after another sleepless night of praying and deep concern for the people. I called my wife on skype this morning and shared a bit of what is going on with her. It was good to hear her voice and know she was well and safe. Today we began the pastor’s seminar for the ministry in the Philippines. It is a training seminar and I spent the morning teaching on Unity in the Morning and Doctrine on the second half of the day. Larry and I divided our teaching time on the subjects and those in attendance seemed to really grasp what was being taught. The next day we taught again to the pastors, this time on the subjects of the sacrament, laying on of hands, Baptism, Ordination, and marriage. We also ordained Jerry Jaun to Disciple, Darlino Estrada to Disciple, and Ronald Canillas to Disciple and Armulin Talines to Evangelist. The meetings were Spirit filled and the men in attendance were men of substance and men who truly loved the lord and His Word.
The Next day of the seminar for the pastors we taught on demon possession, casting out of demons, Evangelism, how to conduct the Philippines first general assembly which will be held in 2011. There were many questions and the men who were assembled, once again shared in their joy and their honesty to achieve the work in the Lord’s way and not their own. We also ordained three elders today: Joseph p. Jaun, Arnold Carhajusa, and Jusfer Eulogo. The Philippines is growing in experience and in wisdom. It is a joy to witness the growth in these men and the dedication they all share for the work of the Lord.
Sunday the 15th was a blessed day even though some of the Disciples from the south had returned back to Cotabato; the men who were present for Services preached well and God’s Spirit was in abundance. I spent the afternoon answering questions through email of the ministry in India and Africa. It is very reassuring to find those areas still functioning well and men laboring with the intensity that is required to make the Work flow and grow in those areas. I finally went to bed at one thirty in the morning.
The 16th was spent with Rex Prado and teaching him and helping him with questions and concerns he had about the Church and the Work. Rex is a fine young man, who runs a business and is dedicated to his family and the Lord. His mother, Sister Helen lives in my home state of Colorado and in Grand Junction. She will become an American citizen in September. Rex and his lovely wife Elma fed us dinner and fellowshipped late into the night. Rex has also been helping me with issues on my computer and I do not know what I would do without his expert assistance and advice. In the evening I wrote an article for the Church paper.
The next two days were spent visiting various members and encouraging them in the Work and getting prepared for another journey to the south of Mindanao. We would travel on the 19th to Undos Plridel and the family of Gabrial Demicale. We had departed at five in the morning and traveled until three in the afternoon to get there. Sonny taught an excellent lesson in the afternoon and then in the evening I taught also to about thirty souls. It was well received and those in attendance expressed a gratitude for our being there to teach them and help them understand the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The next day Brother Larry taught an excellent lesson on the foundation to a pastor of an Assembly of God church and a few of his membership and it was also well received. The Lord has planted some good seeds in this area. We returned home this night and got back into Cagayan de Oro at 11:30pm this night.
The 20th we traveled to a friend of Disciple Sonny; a pastor of an Assembly of God Church and there Larry taught on the foundation to the pastor and some of those who were able to gather. Larry taught an excellent lesson and those present found much to consider and ponder and pray over in the days to come. Then we loaded our packs and headed once again for Cagayan de Oro and the general headquarters for the Philippines. We arrived back in town amid a huge rain storm and got to bed about 12:30 pm.
We spent Saturday with laundry and studies and letter writing and then on Sunday the 22nd we were blessed again to be in service with the Cagayan de Oro local Church. The Lord’s Spirit was in abundance as Larry, Sonny, Tino, and I taught and preached for the flock. The flock in Cagayan de Oro have endured much over the years and have stayed firm in the Word and in their Faith. These wonderful souls are a wonderful example of Christians who are devoted and Spirit Filled souls. Each has a strong witness to the power and love of God and it is indeed an honor to labor among such fine Christians. For the next several days we would spend time with each member and answering questions and sharing in the word of God in their homes. We also devoted considerable time with our Brother Rex Prado who is a fine man and an honest man who loves the Lord. He has had the calling of Disciple upon him for some time and on the 26th we ordained him to the responsibility of Disciple in the Church of Christ with the Elijah Message. We also celebrated Loraine Aparacio birthday by holding a bible study on Love which I was privileged to teach and then about eighty souls helped our lovely sister celebrate her birthday. Indeed the Spirit of God was present in much abundance and all could feel the Spirit of God and our lovely sister had a wonderful birthday.
On Sunday Disciple Sonny, Larry, and I traveled to another church and presented the Message to a group with willing ears and hearts. They seemed open to hear and also to receive with their minds and souls. It has opened a door for our brothers to follow up and have an open invitation to come back and preach there again.
On the 30th of August we traveled to Davao on the east side of Mindanao Island and traveled to visit a man who had contacted the Church headquarters via the internet and requested information. I have been communicating with him now for several weeks and he invited us to come to his Church where he is pastoring and present the Message and Church to his congregation and also to some ministers who had come to hear the Word. For the next two days we presented the Word of the Lord to those gathered and who were willing to hear and consider what God is doing in this time and place. We taught for ten hours the first day and answered many questions and then some of the ministers came to the room we were staying in and we studied and spoke late into the night concerning the Message and the Word of God, and all that Christ is doing in this time and space of human history. The following day we continued in the teaching and then around three in the afternoon we returned to our room as those who had come to hear desired to speak with each other and talk over the things they had heard. This night, the pastor: Christopher Longino came requesting to be baptized and become part of the Church of Christ with the Elijah Message. I baptized him this very night and Brother Larry and I ordained him as a Disciple in the Philippines. He is a good young man, with two wonderful children and has been a pastor for nine years. He has a flock of about forty members, which he will baptize and bring into the work and all will become part of the Church in the next few weeks. Christopher is a good man and no stranger to the Gospel and a Spirit filled man with an honest heart. It was a joy to have him come all the way and become part of the Church!
We traveled the twelve hours back to Cagayan de Oro the next day and arrived back on the 2nd of September. Thus did we spend the month of August in the field of the Lord. Your prayers, your support, and your love have made all of this possible. To put into words the things that have transpired over the past month properly would require a book. God has provided miracles of healing, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to convict and convert many, many souls. His Spirit has been in abundance and with Power among us and it is He who has brought forth fruit into His Vineyard. God has been able to heal, to convert, and to bless with understanding and Love and His Grace. During this same time I was blessed to communicate with interested souls also from India and Africa on the internet in the night and even a fine soul from Canada, who is seeking with his heart to walk closer to God. It has left little time for sleep, and there have been nights that were very short. Throughout the journey in the Philippines, Disciple Sonny and Disciple Aparacio have been a true blessing unto us and to the flock of Christ. Our Brothers have labored tirelessly and never with complaint, even though at times their bodies were ill and weary. Never once did they complain and always their smiles and their encouragement was such a blessing to all. Our Sisters have been such a blessing in service unto us. Sister Loraine and Elma have constantly looked to our needs and been a tremendous help to all and especially to us. Sister Estrelia has given so much of her time and her talents to help the ministry and the Church. As with sisters everywhere in all of the countries; it is the women in the Church who make a huge difference and provide such a true blessing unto all in the Church.
Finally, I pray that all who read this report will somehow grasp the awesome power of the Lord God and His Mercy and Grace that He has extended unto each of us who have traveled on this road and this journey. It is Christ who has opened every door and every heart. It is His Holy Spirit which has poured out with convicting and converting power. It is His Grace which has provided protection in areas where it was truly needed. Even as I write these words, I realize they cannot totally convey the wonderful things Christ has done and continues to do among His People. I shall always be humbled by the Power of His Word and His Spirit. I am forever a prisoner of His Love and His Mercy which allows the likes of we to labor and share in His Word to a world which has such great need and in a time that is in His Will and Hour. I thank you for your prayers on our behalf and for the people we carry His Word unto. I thank you for your support, your love, and for your faith. May God Bless each of you as you read these words and may you have a better understanding of all that God is doing and has done on this journey. We shall be returning in mid-September to America God Willing and I shall complete my report unto you at that time. Peace and His Grace be unto you.
Your Brother in Christ,
Apostle Norman D. Lyles