Message 59:10

The Lord is the resurrection and the life. He that believeth on him and obeys his will shall have right to the tree of life and to eternity, and in them shall be seen the glory of God, for Christ came to redeem and to provide the way. Therefore, I come to point the way and that the Church of Christ, the Lamb’s bride, may be prepared to meet him when he comes, when all men will live to serve the Lord, that the millennium reign shall be. And the great day of the Lord shall come, when all the earth shall rejoice and be glad for a new heaven and a new earth shall be in the Lord’s planning.

Christ is the way of salvation. John act as a ling between Christ and the church. If we listen to what John says we will be ready for Christ with he returns to earth. When Christ does come back, there will be much joy and happiness on earth. Let us be confronted in the idea that God has a plan for us to be saved.