Morning Service, Norris Purifoy
Morning Service, Ed Coffey
Evening Service, Chris Laws
Evening Service and Dismissal, Larry Gosier
Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Morning Service, Norris Purifoy
Morning Service, Ed Coffey
Evening Service, Chris Laws
Evening Service and Dismissal, Larry Gosier
Morning Service, Larry Gosier
Afternoon Word Study, Norm Lyles Pt 1
Afternoon Word Study, Norm Lyles Pt 2
Evening Service, Darren Bellamy
Note: We apologize for the loss of so much of Brother Bellamy’s sermon. We were having computer trouble that evening and the recording was mostly lost.
Morning Service Terry Laws
Afternoon Word Study, Ed Coffey Pt 1
Afternoon Word Study, Ed Coffey Pt 2
Afternoon Word Study, Ed Coffey Pt 3
Evening Service, Robert Beck Pt 1
Evening Service, Robert Beck Pt 2
Opening and Sacrament
Testimony Service
Afternoon Sermon Larry Gosier
Afternoon Sermon Terry Laws
Evening Sermon Norm Lyles Pt 1
Evening Sermon Norm Lyles Pt 2