Archive for the ‘2010 Missionary Report’ Category

The Month of August for us began in Services in Cagayan de Oro , Mindanao in the Philippines. We were blessed to serve the Lord’s Supper to the flock gathered here in Cagayan de Oro. I taught on the Lord’s Supper out of First Corinthians, chapter 11:17-30. The Lord was very specific through the Apostle Paul, letting the Corinthians understand that they must seek the Lord themselves and examine themselves to know with assurity that they were in the Lord’s Church (discerning His Body) and that they were truly following the Word (the Bread) and made a true covenant with Christ through Baptism in His Church and not the churches of men, with men’s doctrines. We had members of Mr. Fife’s group present and the spirit was strong within the Church. Those present from fife’s group were repentant and later would request baptism and repented of following the things and doctrines of men. We would baptize them later during our stay on Mindanao. It was a blessing to the Church to witness those who had fallen away come back and seek forgiveness and repent of their sins.

Monday, Brother Larry and I reloaded time on our computers so we could have communications with the other nations and America and then in the afternoon we traveled to a sister with terminal stage three cancer. She had no medicine due to financial burdens to ease the pain and suffering. We anointed her and prayed for her and spoke for quite some time concerning salvation and the Word of God and His Love for her. We discussed dying, living, what God teaches each of us concerning salvation, death, and eternal life. We spoke openly concerning her condition and her concerns about her children, her husband and dying itself. She thanked us and smiled and said she was now ready and grateful for our coming and explaining so much to her that she had not understood. We also anointed her husband and prayed for him and their son. It was a very special time in the lord and a time which shall remain in my thoughts and in my prayers for the rest of my life. In the night I met with Tino and his wife and the three of us studied together concerning the love of God and His Mercy and His plan for mankind in these last days.

The third we sent many communications I had written to Africa, India and Germany to help the work in those nations. I also spoke at length with Disciple Aparico concerning problems that existed in the work in the Philippines and advised him on solutions and remedies for problems that had been ongoing for the past eight years. I also purchased a sacrament tray for Colorado and the local in Grand Junction. They have contributed much to the work in Africa, India, and the Philippines, not only in prayer, books, but also in funds and it is a joy to be part of such a fine local. Brother Gary Doudy and Sister Betty and Sister Helen, and Brother Ken, and Sister Arlene, and Sister Doris Doudy have long supported the Work in the overseas; not only on this journey, but for over thirty years of missionary travels by this Apostle. I am honored to be a part of this local and it through their prayers and support, as well as those of others, that I am able to travel and do the work of God. In the night following my studies with Brother and Sister Aparicio; I packed and prepared for our journey to Camiguin Island in the morning.

We arose early morning at four and took a taxi to the bus station to make the trip to Balingoan and the ferry which would carry us across the sea at Ginoog Bay to the Island of Camiguin. We traveled amid a small rain storm and fog, to the island. We arrived around 9:30 in the morning and stopped for a “breakfast of fish and rice” at one of the local eatery on the island. Then we took a three wheeler (a motorcycle with a cart attached to where we would stay on Camiguin Island for the next few days. This was located at San Roque, Mahinog on Camiguin Island. We then waded through the sea in water about knee deep to the homes of some of our members who lived not so far away along the beach. I would teach on the foundation of our Christian faith at their request and what separated us from other churches and groups. I also taught on Salvation and Prayer and those gathered seemed to gain a lot and appreciated our coming. Brother Undoy also joined us there and mentioned he would very much like to meet with us at his place.

The next day we traveled by three wheeler to Uumbing on the island and taught a few members who had gathered to hear the Word. Larry taught this group and the Spirit of the Lord was strong among us. In the afternoon we traveled back across the island to walk up to Undoy’s home and spend time with him at his request. There had been a very large misunderstanding between himself and one of the Disciples and he had left the Church over the matter. We arrived amid a rather stormy sky and a heavy rainfall. Our Brother welcomed us; however you could tell he was somewhat wary of what might be said. I spoke with him at length about the misunderstandings between him and the disciple and also answered several of his questions concerning the doctrine, which in part had caused his difficulty with the Disciple. We communicated for several hours and at the end, our Brother Undoy said he understood and desired to become a member again and to reconsider his own actions. We were grateful for the mercy of God and His Grace.

The following day, we arose early as we always do and Disciple Sonny and Disciple Aparicio went swimming in the sea and Larry and I discussed the work and how best to help the things that had been problems here in the Philippines. Our Brothers and Sisters had done a wonderful job of holding on even under some rather difficult circumstances. The Church had been visited at times by men from America from other groups who truly sought to destroy them. The Lord’s Membership held firm and fast to the Word of the Lord and their Faith in Christ and could not be shaken. My heart and soul shall always be in admiration of these fine brothers and sisters. There have been problems however, which needed help and eight years of absence on our part was not the help they needed.
We traveled back to the port and took the ferry back to the Island of Mindanao in the afternoon and returned to Cagayan de Oro. It was an easy journey and very peaceful. We arrived back in Cagayan de Oro and did laundry and got ready for the remainder of the week.

Saturday the 7th we traveled to Brother Tino’s Brother. We met there with him and a friend and taught them the Gospel and spoke of their illnesses and anointed them and prayed for them and their difficulties. It was a good day in the Lord and the result of our meetings would find Tino’s brother attending Church and coming to all the meetings.
Sunday found us again in Service of the Lord and in His Services in Cagayan de Oro. I taught on Ecclesiastes 12:10-11, the Record of Nephites, and the Word of the Lord. The subject was measuring our words when we are not in church and the importance of living the word and not simply speaking it. In the evening we packed our bags again for a journey this time to Cotabato and meetings with our membership in that part of the island of Mindanao.

We departed Cagayan de Oro at five thirty in the morning for Cotabato on the bus. It is a long and winding road to Cotabato and Disciple Sonny, Disciple Aparacio, Larry and I made the journey. We were greeted there by most of our members there in the south and were blessed to stay at Joseph and Elizabeth Juan’s home. We then traveled to the hospital to administer to a member who had an emergency appendectomy. He had survived the surgery and was doing well. In the evening we held services for about thirty five souls who came to hear the word of God and I taught this night and the Lord blessed us with an abundance of His Spirit and Grace. Our members kept a watchful eye for us, as kidnappings here are frequent and missionaries are a prime target of terrorist here in this part of the island. It was touching to see their concern and their love. Mindanao is divided almost in half from north to south and the southern half of the island is somewhat difficult to labor in due to this problem. Over the past few months and years; many missionaries have been killed and ransomed in this area.

The following day we journeyed to a pool and baptized one of the women who had made a decision at last night’s study and it was joy to witness her conversion and Brother Larry and I confirmed her into the Church. We then traveled to a young woman’s home who had cancer and in its latter stages. We prayed for her and she requested I present the Gospel to her, even though she was in much pain, because she desired to know the truth. I patiently presented the Gospel unto her and also counseled her concerning her own soul and her relationship unto the Lord. She had two little children and a husband and she wept knowing if she was not healed what awaited her family. We spoke at length concerning salvation and the Mercy of the Lord. She thanked me very deeply for taking the time to present the Gospel unto her that she might have a clear understanding of the Word of God, which had become so important unto her under the circumstances in her life. It is a blessing to find a soul who loves God and desires to be complete and whole in their Spirit before the Lord. Although it is not easy to know the person you are speaking with is near death; it is a comfort to be able to share with them the mercy of God and God’s Love for them and God’s Forgiveness in their lives. It comforts their soul so very much and brings forth a peace and understanding within their lives.

The morning of the 11th of August we again boarded the bus for our return journey of many hours back to Cagayan de Oro City and the work in that area before us. We arrived amid a heavy rain storm and after unpacking Larry and I went grocery shopping of our food for the week ahead and then this night we spent in prayer and thanksgiving for all that God had allowed. Some nights sleep comes easier and some nights you simply lay awake and wonder and pray for those whom the Lord has blessed you to meet. This was one of those nights that I did not sleep and prayed all night long and found my pillow rather wet from my emotions and my thoughts for those whom we have administered unto. So often times in the field of the Lord; I have these nights, where I talk to God and seek His Will and His Mercy for those with such great need. Indeed God knows and He is truly merciful and loving to each of us. I thank Him for the opportunity to meet and try to be of comfort to so many with great needs. There are nights that rewind in my mind about Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Germany, India, and the Philippines and the precious souls we have met and spoken unto concerning the Word of God. I pray daily for each of these and also those in America as well. I have photographs of most of these, however in my heart each face and each soul is etched forever in my heart.

The morning of the 12th I arose at five in the morning after another sleepless night of praying and deep concern for the people. I called my wife on skype this morning and shared a bit of what is going on with her. It was good to hear her voice and know she was well and safe. Today we began the pastor’s seminar for the ministry in the Philippines. It is a training seminar and I spent the morning teaching on Unity in the Morning and Doctrine on the second half of the day. Larry and I divided our teaching time on the subjects and those in attendance seemed to really grasp what was being taught. The next day we taught again to the pastors, this time on the subjects of the sacrament, laying on of hands, Baptism, Ordination, and marriage. We also ordained Jerry Jaun to Disciple, Darlino Estrada to Disciple, and Ronald Canillas to Disciple and Armulin Talines to Evangelist. The meetings were Spirit filled and the men in attendance were men of substance and men who truly loved the lord and His Word.

The Next day of the seminar for the pastors we taught on demon possession, casting out of demons, Evangelism, how to conduct the Philippines first general assembly which will be held in 2011. There were many questions and the men who were assembled, once again shared in their joy and their honesty to achieve the work in the Lord’s way and not their own. We also ordained three elders today: Joseph p. Jaun, Arnold Carhajusa, and Jusfer Eulogo. The Philippines is growing in experience and in wisdom. It is a joy to witness the growth in these men and the dedication they all share for the work of the Lord.

Sunday the 15th was a blessed day even though some of the Disciples from the south had returned back to Cotabato; the men who were present for Services preached well and God’s Spirit was in abundance. I spent the afternoon answering questions through email of the ministry in India and Africa. It is very reassuring to find those areas still functioning well and men laboring with the intensity that is required to make the Work flow and grow in those areas. I finally went to bed at one thirty in the morning.

The 16th was spent with Rex Prado and teaching him and helping him with questions and concerns he had about the Church and the Work. Rex is a fine young man, who runs a business and is dedicated to his family and the Lord. His mother, Sister Helen lives in my home state of Colorado and in Grand Junction. She will become an American citizen in September. Rex and his lovely wife Elma fed us dinner and fellowshipped late into the night. Rex has also been helping me with issues on my computer and I do not know what I would do without his expert assistance and advice. In the evening I wrote an article for the Church paper.

The next two days were spent visiting various members and encouraging them in the Work and getting prepared for another journey to the south of Mindanao. We would travel on the 19th to Undos Plridel and the family of Gabrial Demicale. We had departed at five in the morning and traveled until three in the afternoon to get there. Sonny taught an excellent lesson in the afternoon and then in the evening I taught also to about thirty souls. It was well received and those in attendance expressed a gratitude for our being there to teach them and help them understand the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The next day Brother Larry taught an excellent lesson on the foundation to a pastor of an Assembly of God church and a few of his membership and it was also well received. The Lord has planted some good seeds in this area. We returned home this night and got back into Cagayan de Oro at 11:30pm this night.

The 20th we traveled to a friend of Disciple Sonny; a pastor of an Assembly of God Church and there Larry taught on the foundation to the pastor and some of those who were able to gather. Larry taught an excellent lesson and those present found much to consider and ponder and pray over in the days to come. Then we loaded our packs and headed once again for Cagayan de Oro and the general headquarters for the Philippines. We arrived back in town amid a huge rain storm and got to bed about 12:30 pm.

We spent Saturday with laundry and studies and letter writing and then on Sunday the 22nd we were blessed again to be in service with the Cagayan de Oro local Church. The Lord’s Spirit was in abundance as Larry, Sonny, Tino, and I taught and preached for the flock. The flock in Cagayan de Oro have endured much over the years and have stayed firm in the Word and in their Faith. These wonderful souls are a wonderful example of Christians who are devoted and Spirit Filled souls. Each has a strong witness to the power and love of God and it is indeed an honor to labor among such fine Christians. For the next several days we would spend time with each member and answering questions and sharing in the word of God in their homes. We also devoted considerable time with our Brother Rex Prado who is a fine man and an honest man who loves the Lord. He has had the calling of Disciple upon him for some time and on the 26th we ordained him to the responsibility of Disciple in the Church of Christ with the Elijah Message. We also celebrated Loraine Aparacio birthday by holding a bible study on Love which I was privileged to teach and then about eighty souls helped our lovely sister celebrate her birthday. Indeed the Spirit of God was present in much abundance and all could feel the Spirit of God and our lovely sister had a wonderful birthday.
On Sunday Disciple Sonny, Larry, and I traveled to another church and presented the Message to a group with willing ears and hearts. They seemed open to hear and also to receive with their minds and souls. It has opened a door for our brothers to follow up and have an open invitation to come back and preach there again.

On the 30th of August we traveled to Davao on the east side of Mindanao Island and traveled to visit a man who had contacted the Church headquarters via the internet and requested information. I have been communicating with him now for several weeks and he invited us to come to his Church where he is pastoring and present the Message and Church to his congregation and also to some ministers who had come to hear the Word. For the next two days we presented the Word of the Lord to those gathered and who were willing to hear and consider what God is doing in this time and place. We taught for ten hours the first day and answered many questions and then some of the ministers came to the room we were staying in and we studied and spoke late into the night concerning the Message and the Word of God, and all that Christ is doing in this time and space of human history. The following day we continued in the teaching and then around three in the afternoon we returned to our room as those who had come to hear desired to speak with each other and talk over the things they had heard. This night, the pastor: Christopher Longino came requesting to be baptized and become part of the Church of Christ with the Elijah Message. I baptized him this very night and Brother Larry and I ordained him as a Disciple in the Philippines. He is a good young man, with two wonderful children and has been a pastor for nine years. He has a flock of about forty members, which he will baptize and bring into the work and all will become part of the Church in the next few weeks. Christopher is a good man and no stranger to the Gospel and a Spirit filled man with an honest heart. It was a joy to have him come all the way and become part of the Church!

We traveled the twelve hours back to Cagayan de Oro the next day and arrived back on the 2nd of September. Thus did we spend the month of August in the field of the Lord. Your prayers, your support, and your love have made all of this possible. To put into words the things that have transpired over the past month properly would require a book. God has provided miracles of healing, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to convict and convert many, many souls. His Spirit has been in abundance and with Power among us and it is He who has brought forth fruit into His Vineyard. God has been able to heal, to convert, and to bless with understanding and Love and His Grace. During this same time I was blessed to communicate with interested souls also from India and Africa on the internet in the night and even a fine soul from Canada, who is seeking with his heart to walk closer to God. It has left little time for sleep, and there have been nights that were very short. Throughout the journey in the Philippines, Disciple Sonny and Disciple Aparacio have been a true blessing unto us and to the flock of Christ. Our Brothers have labored tirelessly and never with complaint, even though at times their bodies were ill and weary. Never once did they complain and always their smiles and their encouragement was such a blessing to all. Our Sisters have been such a blessing in service unto us. Sister Loraine and Elma have constantly looked to our needs and been a tremendous help to all and especially to us. Sister Estrelia has given so much of her time and her talents to help the ministry and the Church. As with sisters everywhere in all of the countries; it is the women in the Church who make a huge difference and provide such a true blessing unto all in the Church.

Finally, I pray that all who read this report will somehow grasp the awesome power of the Lord God and His Mercy and Grace that He has extended unto each of us who have traveled on this road and this journey. It is Christ who has opened every door and every heart. It is His Holy Spirit which has poured out with convicting and converting power. It is His Grace which has provided protection in areas where it was truly needed. Even as I write these words, I realize they cannot totally convey the wonderful things Christ has done and continues to do among His People. I shall always be humbled by the Power of His Word and His Spirit. I am forever a prisoner of His Love and His Mercy which allows the likes of we to labor and share in His Word to a world which has such great need and in a time that is in His Will and Hour. I thank you for your prayers on our behalf and for the people we carry His Word unto. I thank you for your support, your love, and for your faith. May God Bless each of you as you read these words and may you have a better understanding of all that God is doing and has done on this journey. We shall be returning in mid-September to America God Willing and I shall complete my report unto you at that time. Peace and His Grace be unto you.
Your Brother in Christ,

Apostle Norman D. Lyles

Good Morning to all. I pray that all is well in the Lord with each of you. We are aboard a bus at this time on our way to a place by the name of Plaridal, Mis. Occiden TAC. This will be a five or six hr. trip. The Lord has really blessed here in the Philippines. Thank each of you for your support and prayers. May the Lord continue to bless.
Your Brother,
apostle Larry T. Gosier

Wednesday June 9, 2010.
This morning we are up early for our journey to Erode. There is a brother there that we needed to visit with.Brother Vimal spoke to him when we first arrived at Chennai to let him know that we were in the South and would visit him. We left Chennai at 11am and arrived in Erode at 6pm. From there we took a Taxi to a Hotel. After getting settle in, we contacted our Brother and told him that we were in town and would like to see him in the morning if it was possible. He was willing to meet us the next morning. We then went about trying to find a place to eat. It took awhile but we found a place and by the time we got back to the Hotel it was 11:30pm. It was a long day. We praise the Lord for His strength.

June 10, 2010
Today we awoke around 7:30am showered and prepared for breakfast. We didn’t know where we would go. After Brother Jaitley and Kapoor joined us, we walked the streets looking for a breakfast place, which is not easy to fine in India since we didn’t know what to eat. We had to settle for coffee and some pastry. Brother Norm stopped at one place and our Brothers went to another. We got together later and went back to the rooms to wait for our Brother Dorairj to stop by. Brother Doraiji arrived at 1:30pm. It was a blessing to finally meet him. In 2002 we made an attempt to contact our brother with no success.

We talked with our brother for some time and learned that he had been part of a number of Churches. We explained to him the Church and wanted to know where he stood with the Church. We asked him did he have members that he wanted us to visit. We got a very slow answer which was yes. We were with our brother for three days and he never brought anyone by to see us neither did he take us to see anyone. We learned that he was not being true to us. When we departed, he came to the Train Station to see us off and there we were told that he would not join the Church. We thanked him for his time and wished him the best. We arrived back in Chennai at 7:30am on the morning of June 14th. We had breakfast ,showered and visited with the brothers about the trip. At 4:30pm we were off to Church in the town of Uraeapakkam. We arrived there about 6:30pm. At 6:45 service was started. Brother Norm and I taught this night and the Lord really blessed. We were able to get the people active and asking questions which was great. You knew from their reactions that they were understanding. After we finished speaking, there were requests for prayer which we did. While praying for one young man by the name of Abraham, the Lord spoke to him and called him as an Elder. We spoke to him about his call and he understood and excepted his calling. We praise the Lord for all His blessings. Brother Norm and I ordained him. It was a wonderful night in the Lord and we give Him all the glory. This was a long day also. We arrived back home about 11:30pm.

Tuesday June 15, 2010.
This morning we tried to sleep in but with the heat there is no way. We just tried to relax because this was the day that we left Chennai for New Delhi. We had a hot day today and now it’s 6pm and we are getting ready to depart the house of our brother Abraham. Just as we were getting ready to leave for the Train station a young couple came an asked for prayer. Of course we did it and was happy we did. We have their address and will stay in touch with them. Our taxi is here and we must go. Brother Abraham accompanied us to the bus station. He was there until it was time for us to depart.We had a blessed time in the South. May the Lord continue to direct the people.
We arrived in New Delhi at 8am on the morning of June 17, 2010. We thank the Lord for a safe journey.

Friday june 18, 2010.
Today we are up and about. We have a number of things that we must take care of today. Time is short and our tickets have changed. It was a hot busy day and we praise the Lord that we were able to get everything done that was needed. At 6:15pm we were at Church. The people were gathered for service. Brother Norm was the teacher for the night. The service went just great thanks to our Lord. It was a wonderful night in the Lord.

Sunday June 20, 2010.
This morning we went to the Church about 9:30am. We are among the first to arrive. Service was under- way at 10am. We began with song and prayer.The word was given and the Lord blessed. We had a number of visitors. Before service closed, there was prayer for the sick and those in need. It was a blessed time and we praise God for all His blessings. Thank you Lord for this day.

Monday June 21, 2010.
Today, brother Vimal had to work so brother Kapoor came over to escort us around the city to take care of personal things. At 5:30pm we were at our Brother Sita Ram’s home. He had invited us to have a study at his home. On Sunday Brother Sita was called by the Lord to the office of an Elder. This night at his home with his family he excepted the call and we ordained him. We had a wonderful study this night. Brother Norm taught on the Rapture that many christians believe in. By the word of God, he explained how christians are mislead. You can’t take part of the word and live on it .You must take all. The word says,” we must live by every word that comes from God”. It was a blessed night. Thank you Lord.
I can truly say that our time here in India has been a blessing and we praise the Lord for it all. I can also say that we need more time here, and everywhere we’ve been. That’s our feelings and thought. We know that we must be about the Fathers business. The Lord is with us and He is with the people. His promises is for sure.
We left India on the 24th of June and arrived in the Philippines on the 25th around 2:15pm. We had a wonderful flight from New Delhi to Hong Kong where we change from Air India to Philippines Air and continued on to Manilla.

May the Lord bless each and everyone this day.
Apostle Larry T. Gosier Williams.

The Lord’s Work In India

Praise the Lord for His wonder working power!

We arrived at Indira Gandhi International Airport New Delhi, India at 3:20am on May 16, 2010. It took us over an hour to get through customs .Brothers Jaitley and Kapoor were waiting for us on the outside. We traveled by taxi to brother Jaitleys’ home, We arrived at 5:20am. We visited a little and then retired to bed.. We were late for Church because,when we awoke, it was 10:30am. Service
had already turned over to brother Vimal who explained why we were late.When we arrived to church, Brother Vimal introduced brother Norm and I. It truly was a blessing to be back with the people again. We both spoke and after service, we were invited to Disciple Rajeshs’ home for a wonderful lunch. . We then returned to Brother Vimals’ home. It was a wonderful day thanks to our Lord.We praise the Lord for all His blessings.

The 17th and 18th, we spent getting things organized for our upcoming journey to Southern India .

Wednesday, May 19th 2010.
We left the home of Disciple Jaitley at 2:15pm en route to the train Station. We arrived a little early in order to purchase some food for the trip. Our Train departed the Station at 4:10pm. Our Car # was A/4,( we had a booth for four). We each had a place to sleep, because each seat turned into a sleeper which made it nice. We had planned to arrive in Chennai at 8pm on the 20th of May. however, due to inclement weather, our train had to be rerouted and we didn’t arrive at Chennai until 4pm on the 21st. It was a good time on the ride, because it gave us extra time to study with Brother Jaitly and Kapoor . Praise the Lord!
Our Brother Abraham was at the Station to greet us. It was a blessing to see him once again. We arrived at his home, relaxed for a short time and we were off to visit Church members at another brothers’ home ten souls were gathered at the home . There, we taught the word of our Lord . There were prayers for the sick and blessings of children. It was a blessed time. We thank the Lord for being with us.

Sunday May 23, 2010.
We were up early , left the house around 8am.. We had a distance to go, so we took public transportation. We arrived at the Church around 10am. It truly was a blessing to be here and meet with our brothers and sisters once again and to see that, many had remained faithful to the Lord. Brother Norm and I both spoke to the people and gave them the words of God.
After service we were invited to the home of one of the members. It was a blessed time there. We got to visit with each and everyone that attended Church service.
We arrived back at the home of brother Abrahams’ about 11pm. We thank the Lord for this most wonderful day
Monday May 24, 2010.
This morning we are up at 8am, after breakfast around 10am we began a meeting with the Disciples to plan how our time would be spent in the South. The meeting went well. Today was a blessed day.

Wednesday May 26, 2010
We are up this morning 8:30am had breakfast and about 9am we were on our way to Kurchipadi which was 4hr away. We arrived around 2pm and was greeted by our Brother Ganeshan. We were taken to his home where they had food prepared for us. We ate and visited for a while and then we moved to a Church that brother Abraham had the ok to use. There a number of people there, including the Pastor of the Church who wanted to hear the word of Go. Brother Norm presented the Church and the work the Lord is doing today to gather His people before He return to claim His Bride. Truly the Lord was with us and we thank Him for His blessings. Our return trip was via bus also.. We arrived back home around 12:30am. Yes it was a very long day.

Thursday May 27, 2010.
Today we are out around 12:30pm on our way to visit members that were gathering at one of their homes. It was a blessing to be there. There were a number of people there and the service went well thanks to the spirit of the Lord. The foundation of Christ Church was taught and all seemed to receive it well. There were no questions at the end. At the close of service there were prayer requests. Brother Norm and I did administer to those that requested it. It was a blessed night and we thank the Lord for it with all our hearts.

Friday May 27, 2010.
Another wonderful day in the Lord. Tonight we are with another group of people. This was a blessing. It is great to put the word of God before the people. We thank the Lord for the opportunity. Tonight Brother Vimal was first to speak and share this great work with those gathered. Brother Norm spoke next confirming the words of Brother Vimal and expressing further the work of God among the people today i.e. How Hes’ restoring His Church and gathering His people in these last days. There were prayers for the sick and those in need. We closed the service with prayer. We fellowshipped for awhile and then departed for home. Praise the Lord for the day.

Saturday May 29, 2010.
This morning we are up at 6:30am preparing to move to Sivaganga. We arrived Sivaganga around 7pm. We were met at the Bus stop by one of our brothers and escorted to the Hotel where we would be staying. Our room was quite small but we knew that we would make it work. After a while our Brother Dayandha came. He expressed how happy he was to have us there once again. After visiting for some time, we decided to go for dinner. Now the task was to find a place where we could eat. In the South you don’t have but two choices, hot or hotter. We did manage to eat a little something. We realized that this is what we had to look forward to for seven days. The Lord is our strength. It had been a long day and we decided to try and get some rest. Thank you Lord for the day.

Sunday May 30, 2010.
This morning we were up around 7:30am. Brother Dayandha was to come for us around 10am. About 8:30am Brother Jaitly. Kapoor and Abraham came for us to go to breakfast. We were back at our room about 9:30. Our brother arrived about 9:55 and we walked to the Church. The people had begun to gather by 10:30. There were quite a number. It was a blessing to be here in Savaganga once again. We thank God so much for our Brother Dayandha who had no communication with us for eight year and he remained true to the word of God. Praise the Lord for His working power! Service began with songs and prayer, after which. Brother Jaitley, Kapoor, Abraham, Norm and Myself. were introduced . I had the honor of speaking first today and Brother Norm followed. The Lord was with us by His spirit. It was a blessing to us and a blessing to the people. After service, there was lunch which had been prepared by the members. It was a joyous time in the Lord. We then returned to our room where we relaxed. At 6:30 pm, we were told that the evening service had been canceled which didn’t make us happy but we went along with it. The day was a blessed day even though it didn’t end the way we thought it would.

The next three days were spent teaching the people on the foundation of Christ. How men fell away from Christs’ Church and how God would restore His Church here on this Earth before He returned. There were questions, and thank the Lord they were all answered. We thank the Lord for the souls that He has touched that is seeking to know Him and His truths. We will continue to preach this gospel of Christ. On Thursday night Brother Norm taught on baptism. Hearts were touched and there were those that showed an interest in what was taught. We just pray that they will come to an understanding. We thank the Lord for His blessings.

Friday June 4, 2010
This morning we had breakfast. Brother Dayandhi came by the room and we devoted quite some time to talk with him about the work of the Lord. He explained to us the things that he wants to do for the Lord. How he wants to work with the people. He truly has been doing a wonderful work here in Savaganga. He said that he would like to focus more on the young. There is a great need to reach them now he said, which we can agree. It was great sitting with him and we felt his desire for the work of the Lord. Let us continue to keep him in our prayers. It was a blessed time with our Brother.
Tonight Brother Norm taught on the foundation of the Church which went well and souls was blessed. We learned tonight that there were those who wanted to be baptized. This was great news and a joy to our heart. The night ended with song and prayer to the Lord. Praise Him!

Saturday June 4,2010.
This morning we awoke up quite early. Our itineary for the day was to make a trip to the home of the Brother Kapoor’s parents. Brother Norm was not feeling well , so he did not make the trip.
Brothers’ Vimal , Abraham, and I left Savaganga around 9:30am traveled by bus. It was was very hot and dusty. We arrived at brother Kapoor’s parent’s home around 11:30am
It was good to see his family again. It was a blessed time in the Lord. We left there at 3:30 and arrived back in Savaganga at 5pm. At 6pm, we were on our way to Church for the evening service. Brother Norm was the teacher for the night.
It was an interesting night. The rains came and the power went out so we moved inside with candles and continued with the service. All went well in the Lord. And we praise Him.

Sunday June 6, 2010.
This morning we had our usual breakfast of coffee and Pita Bread. Brother Dayandhi came by early to tell us of the events of the day. There would be regular services, and in the afternoon there would be baptisms. This was a joy to our ears and we give God all the praise. Both Bro Norm and I spoke this day and the Lord did bless. We fellowshipped for awhile after services and then returned to our room to rest until time for baptisms. Around 3pm, we were taken by a bus to the Church where members and those to be baptized were waiting. They all boarded the bus and we were off. We traveled to a very large irrigation pond. Brother Norm and I baptized and confirmed the new members. Praise the Lord! There were three souls baptized at this time. We know that the Church will continue to grow in the Lord. There was a young man and two young ladies baptized this day. We returned to our room where we showered and got ready for the evening service. At 7pm, we were back at the Church. We spoke on how the word of God is true and being fulfilled this day. How the Lord is restoring His Church and gathering His people. All must come into this way of the Lord. This also was our last night with the people in Savaganda. It was not easy speaking that night. We said our farewells and returned to our rooms. It was a blessed night.

Monday June 7, 2010.
This morning is a slow morning it’s the day of our departure back to Chennai. Brother Dayandhi came over and we talked with him for awhile. He told us that his brother had invited us to lunch. There was no getting out of that one and we arrived at the house about 12pm. We were welcomed by our brother and sister. The lunch was just wonderful. We had a blessed fellowship. We returned to the hotel around 3:30pm. There we rested and talked more with our brothers about the work in India. At 6pm, we went next door to have Chinese food. It was a nice quiet little place. The food was good.
At 7:15pm we were on our way to the train station for our trip back to Chennai. We boarded our train at 8:45pm and at 9:!0 we were off. We arrived at Chennai at 8:30am the next morning.
After reaching Brother Abrahams home we took showers and tried to relax a little. It was not easy because it was very hot. At 5:30pm we were off to visit a Church family.. We arrived at their home around 6:30pm. We were welcomed with open arms. Brother Norm and I spoke to the people and the word of God was well received by all. After service there was prayer for the sick and those in need. We were back at home about 11pm. It was a blessed night in the Lord.

Here is the last video from Africa. I hope you enjoy it.  It is of several people joining the Lords church.

Here is the third Video from Africa. This video shows the building of the new East Africa Headquarters building in Kenya.

Here is the second video from Africa. It is a clip of Larry introducing himself before preaching to a large group of people.

This is a first of several posts of videos from Africa.  This video is of different songs.  It is amazing to watch people of other cultures praise the lord in there native land.

We arrived in the Philippines on the 26th of June 2010. It had been a wonderful time of sharing and laboring for the Lord in India with our brothers and sisters. The love, faith, and grace that they shared with us daily will forever be in our hearts and in our minds.
Landing in Manila we got room and prepared ourselves for the work in the southern part of the Islands, on the Island of Mindanao. After three days of preparation for our journey south, we boarded a flight to Cagayan de Oro on the Island of Mindanao. We were warmly welcomed there by most of the Church membership in Cagayan de Oro and they brought us to our new home, which is located behind the Church building. We arrived about 2:30 pm and then after a short time to unpack we held services for the membership in the Cagayan de Oro local church. I taught on the e  twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew and the things Christ had said unto his disciples concerning the end of the world and His second coming. I also taught upon Revelation chapter six and the seven seals spoken of Revelation and upon the first seal which Jesus Christ opened of the sealed book spoken of in the Book of Daniel. The flock seemed pleased and understanding the words and prophesies given in the word of God. Then Larry and I retired for the night and spent a bit of time getting to know our new home.

On the 29th and 30th of June  I taught those gathered on Revelation chapters five and six on the 29th and then on the 30th I taught on Matthew 24, Revelation 7, and Ephesians chapters two and four. The congregation really seemed pleased and had many questions which the Lord was able to answer in His Word. The study was designed to help ground them and prepare them for the days that are ahead for each of us who love the Lord. It is so very necessary we have a firm foundation and that we do understand exactly how the Devil will and does seek to deceive and mislead us. It is a perilous time we live in and God commands us to give meat in due season.

On July 1st brother Larry and I extended our Visa’s and then went grocery shopping for the week that is ahead. This evening Brother Larry taught upon tithing and the need to be obedient in all parts of the commandments to Christ. The Night of the second Larry continued on tithing and offerings and the people here really seemed to understand and have a sincere desire to be obedient unto God’s commandments. Then on the third we traveled into Cagayan de Oro and taught a small gathering of believers and non believers concerning the Lord Jesus Christ and our need to have Him in our lives. Our Sunday services on the fourth of July, I taught on forgiveness and how very important a gift that God had imparted unto us through His Sacrifice upon the Cross for each of us and just how far forgiveness is reaching and how much truly God does forgive. The membership then blessed us with a wonderful meal of fish and rice and wonderful fellowship.

The day of the fifth of July, was spent writing letters to Africa and India to follow up on the work we had done in the Nations of Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, and India. We also packed for our coming journey the next day to the southern part of the Island of Mindanao. We would need to pack well as we would be away about a week from our base in Cagayan de Oro.

The morning of July 6th 2010 we arose early and departed for Maramag. It would be several hours later amid a heavy rain we would arrive in Maramag. We had departed at 5am and arrived at 6pm that evening. After arriving I taught all those who had gathered to share in the Word of the Lord for almost four and half hours. The people were excited and anxious to hear the Word of the Lord and it was a true joy to witness their faith and their interest in the Word. We finally retired at about mid-night and arose early the next morning to breakfast of fish and rice and then began teaching once again at 7:30 am in the morning. We covered the coming of the Messenger of the covenant, the promised Elijah, explained the difference between the Rapture and Tribulation and also the false teaching of that subject, by so many who claim to represent Christ. As many of the membership were those who had come originally from the Assembly of God belief; there was many who were quite surprised to find the Church as a whole passing through the Great Tribulation, but once it had been taught; they clearly understood and were truly grateful for the teaching on that subject. We spent two days teaching on the foundation of the church and then we spent the 8th teaching on the Articles of Faith and Practice. Those gathered also blessed us with a wonderful choir of young ladies who sang with the voices of angels and warmed our hearts and souls with their sweet voices and joyful spirits. The youth in America could learn much from these precious young ladies who are truly a blessing to all who hear them sing.

On the 9th of July, the Church held a pig roast and took us swimming! It was so good to cool off in the pool and relax and enjoy the fellowship of our brothers and sisters who had traveled away as far as 90 klm to share in this time of teaching and preaching and sharing in the Word of the Lord. There were not many dry eyes as we departed back to Cagayan de Oro, and it was difficult to leave such wonderful brothers and sisters who touched our hearts and very souls so deeply. We will return to this area before we depart back to America and share once again in the love and Word of God among those whom love the Lord so very much and are such a blessing to all who know them. The journey home on the bus was filled with precious memories and my mind replaying each of the wonderful souls we had met and shared in the love of God and His Word.
Arriving late in the night back in Cagayan de Oro amid rain and weariness we had no trouble in sleeping. The next day I spent answering questions and letters from many wonderful souls in India, Africa, and Canada. I have come to know a special brother in Canada and it is a joy to write to him and fellowship through the mail, as he has a fine spirit and a good mind and loves the Lord. This night we also continued to teach and answer questions among those gathered in the Local Church in Cagayan de Oro.

On Sunday the 11th of July, my Brothers Sonny Democali, Tino, Larry and myself  preached and taught the people and shared with them the things that had transpired on the journey to visit their brothers and sisters in the southern part of their island. We also shared video of the trip and the singing and the fellowship; which all were excited and happy to witness and share the Joy which we too had felt. Monday and Tuesday we found ourselves discussing and planning with our fellow workers here in the Philippines how best to accomplish the work and helping them to make adjustments in the way they were going about the work. We hopefully are helping them to understand and have more success in all they seek to do for the Lord and His Church. In the evening we taught on the Articles of Faith and Practice.  Then for the remainder of the week we began a series of lessons on Messages 29, 45, and 86, as well as Joel chapter 3, Zechariah chapters 11-14, and Revelation chapters 6, 7, 14-18 there were several questions and the people seemed to truly enjoy the study and were grateful for the information and lessons learned therein. We also went to the local music store and purchased a guitar and tambourine for the Church to help them in the music they like to sing and perform.

During the days we would meet with several of the membership and answer questions and in general help them with Spiritual difficulties that each of us face in our daily walk with Christ.. I  thank God for each of our Brothers and Sisters who love the Lord so deeply and live in an area that is not wealthy with things of the world, but is rich indeed with His Love and His Grace. It is an honor to labor among those who love him so very deeply and give glory to Him each day in their lives and the manner in which they live their lives.

Today we arose early and began our journey to the northern tip of the island of Mindanao and the town of Surigao and also the island of Dinagat San Jose.  It is on this island that the followers of the ‘divine master’ reside. These poor misguided souls believe that a physical man is Jesus Christ and lives on the island with them. He has stolen land from so many of the people in the northern tip of  Mindanao island, that the military went to war with him and arrested him about three years ago and then released him last year because he had so much money and corruption is rampant in  this part of the world. We presented the word of God to those who would hear, and then traveled to another part of the island and again taught and were able to touch several souls who expressed interest in the Church and the Word of God and invited us back. We will send the Disciples back soon. We also contacted a Methodist minister who is extremely interested in the Church and we invited him to our pastor’s seminar in August. He has a flock of about two hundred and is expressing interest in joining our Church and becoming one with the Lord and His Church. The Next day we traveled to Surigao and there brought five precious souls through the waters of Baptism and into the Lord’s flock and membership of His Church. Then late that night of the 23rd we traveled the six and half hours back to Cagayan de Oro and our base there at the Church.

Sunday the 25th found us once again in Church in Cagayan de Oro and I preached on First Kings chapters 9 through 11 on the subject of disobedience to the word of God and the price we pay for that transgression. The Spirit of the God was heavy in the service and we anointed some of the sick and prayed for them as well.

We would spend the rest of the week traveling to various members’ homes and having studies and answering questions and praying for those who had needs. We also helped with some problems that had come up in the Church and the Lord’s Spirit greatly took care of many needful things and problems simply melted away in the Peace and Power of the Holy Spirit. I shall always be grateful unto the membership here in the Philippines who so willingly share their homes, their lives, and their time with us as we minister among them. The prayers support, and love we receive from America is also such a blessing and an encouragement unto us. I do pray each of you realize what a tremendous gift you present unto those overseas with your prayers and your concern for each of us. I am constantly amazed at the daily support and letters of encouragement we also receive from Europe, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, and India as well. Truly the Body of Christ is One. Each part of the Body (the Church) is always right on time with the prayers and support we need so very much.

It was a joy to even get to speak via the net to those who had assembled themselves for the Church assembly in America! My, what a blessing and how it uplifted our souls and made us smile! I know that so many overseas lack computers (less than 2% have computers), but for those who do; I encourage all to visit the web site in America. We have some young men who operate it with very professional and Spirit filled dedication. I am grateful for their intelligence and their Faithfulness to the Work of the Lord. I could have searched the world over and not found such good brothers as those who take care of our web site and truly God must be pleased.

Finally in closing; we have another month and a half here in the Philippines. There is much to do and much to accomplish. Some of what is done is not reported, however God knows full well what is transpiring and it is He who leads and directs the Work. We have been contacted by some of those who fell away from the Lord in false teachings and the craftiness of men. They are awakening to those who had deceived them and are seeking to come all the way to the Lord in repentance and become once again members and Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Remember these too in your prayers and thoughts. I will also be sending a missionary report for August and September from the Philippines. I hope these reports edify and bless each of you. I hope it gives you a small understanding of the goodness and greatness of our Lord. I know the Lord is indeed a gracious and merciful God whom is worthy of our praise and devotion. I only hope through these reports you can feel a bit of what is transpiring over here in the Philippines and among your Brothers and Sisters who live here. May God Bless you for your prayers and love you send our way and especially for your faithfulness unto the Living God and Creator of this world we now live. I close in Peace and with love for each of you.

Your Brother in Christ,
Apostle Norman D. Lyles

Church members in the Philippines 1

Norm with Church members in the Philippines

Greetings unto each of you in the Holy name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. May His Grace and His Peace be upon each of you who read this report? Truly God is Just and He is Faithful unto those who love and serve Him. Be ever mindful of the Lord whom we pray unto daily and in who each of us seek to find His Grace.

We begin this Report from Erode, India where we had journeyed to renew our relationship with a man we had sought to find in 2002, with Disciple Vimal Jaitley and Disciple K.K. Kapoor. Disciple Jaitley had brought him into the work and introduced him to the Word of the Lord. We had received little communication from this man, and when we traveled here in 2002, we were unable to locate him. This time we were successful and spent some time with gentleman and discussed his relationship unto the Lord and his efforts within the Lord’s Work. We spent several days laboring with him and reviewing the Scriptures with the man and also trying to help him in every way to expand his understanding of serving our Lord Jesus Christ as a fellow Christian. Not everything done in the missionary field always comes out as we would desire; and the man has chosen himself to serve the things of man, rather than the Lord. At his request, and his desire, we prayed with him and hope that one day he will come to a deeper understanding of what it means to be a Christian, other than simply having the name. We departed Erode and headed back for Chennai, India and our last few days in the south of India on the evening of the 13th of June.

The next few days, before our departure to New Delhi, India; we spent laboring among the Christians in the Church of Christ with the Elijah Message. We met in the open air under a tarp and taught and preached unto the believers and those whom were interested in the Word of God. Our Brother Abraham translated for us as we taught and the people were filled and the Spirit of God was strong. Every day and every night many came unto us for prayer and needs. These good Christian folks had needs that only God could fulfill and through prayer and faith, these needs were met and clearly the folks felt the blessings of God received through deep and sincere prayer offered up on their behalf.

Most people only see photographs of India and have little understanding of the difficult conditions our brothers and sisters labor under. India has many, many wonderful people, yet very deep poverty and travel is to say the least difficult. In Chennai there is water rationing (one day per week they can get drinking water). Elsewhere in India, power blackouts are the norm, and not the exception. Sanitation is a constant problem and taking care of basic needs is no simple matter. In spite of all of these factors, our brothers and sisters remain joyful, pleasant, and always gracious unto those who come to share in the Word of God among them.

On Monday the 14th of June, we were blessed to ordain and Evangelist, also named Abraham into the ministry and he had traveled several days to move here and meet with us before our return to New Delhi. He is a wonderful young man of thirty-seven years who is engaged to be married soon. He has a warm and friendly spirit and certainly will be a blessing and help to the work in Chennai. We also prayed for many families and individuals this night who were in need of healing and God provided such for all that came forward. I thank God for all that He provides (as each of us know it is Him who heals and not man), and it is always a joy and a blessing to witness the Power and Grace of God at work.

On the 15th of June, as we were preparing to depart for New Delhi, a fine young couple came for prayer, requesting the Lord provide a child for their marriage of ten years. We were honored to pray for them and will continue to do so in the days to come. We then met with Abraham and his family to bid them farewell, as we departed for our train and the two and half day ride to New Delhi, India.

The ride was uneventful and somewhat relaxing, as the train was air conditioned and that was a pleasant surprise! I caught up on some paper work and also sent some needful messages to the Brothers in Africa, concerning a soon to be trip for our disciples to Rwanda. They will be traveling to that nation to help Disciple Alexander with the efforts in that great nation. I am thankful for the quality of the men who make up the ministry among the nations of this world. Men and women, who hazard their lives, their health, and do it so unselfishly, devote themselves unto the people with the love of God. Some may not understand the depth of those words, however; God full well knows the courage and love of these Disciples who serve him willingly and always in humility.

Arriving in New Delhi on the 17th of June, in the early morning hours; we could still feel the heat as we left the train and rode to Disciple Jaitley’s home. Our brother has so graciously traveled with us and sought in every way to care for us and along with Disciple Kapoor, have made our journey a blessed time in India. The average temperature in India has stayed in the high 90’s and 100’s, but today was special as the temperature reached 120 degrees! It set a new record of New Delhi in June and for us it was also a new high.

On Sunday we taught on the Church Foundation at the Disciple’s request and would do so again on Monday the 19th of June. Being taught is a relatively new experience for the people in India who usually listen to preaching.  Teaching gives them an opportunity to ask questions, make comments, and truly understand the things they have accepted and believe. Pastor and Disciple Jai-singh, expressed his deep gratitude for the teaching. He said in India a lot of people come and need to be taught, but as a whole, they have not participated in any real teachings concerning the Doctrine of Christ or His Church.  It leaves them desperately needful of some solid grounding in the foundation of their belief and their relationship unto Christ Jesus. The people also voiced their gratitude for the teaching and were enthusiastic about the things they learned and received. It was a real joy to witness the acceptance and understanding of the Word of the Lord among God’s people. The New Delhi is about forty members in number and sometimes 50 with guests. They are very well served with several elders, some disciples and a sweet spirit of love throughout the Local. On Monday night we ordained Sita Ram Arya to the responsibility of Elder and he is an excellent man who labors in the secular world as a Policeman, in charge of security for state functions.

On the 22nd of June we traveled to the home of Disciple Jai-singh and he and his lovely wife prepared us an American meal and we studied well into the night on the Tribulation and the Church’s teaching concerning the tribulation and the views of some churches concerning the rapture. We also covered the Lord’s Supper and properly serving of it and conducting the service in general. It was a blessed evening and we were able to share in many good things. The following evening we traveled to the Jitender Raj, where we were taught on Baptism and answered many questions they had concerning the subject. This wonderful couple, has a son, and are members of the Church, and are a real blessing to know and fellowship with.

On the 24th we went to lunch with the pastor Jai-singh and his wife and Brother Kapoor and Brother Vimal. We finished our packing and prepared to depart this night for the Philippines. We would arrive at 2:30 in the afternoon of the 25th to begin the work in the Philippines.

We were blessed with many wonderful visits and services in India and we shall be eternally grateful for all the fine Brothers and Sisters who made our time in India success and a joy. In spite of the heat (which every day was over 100 degrees) it was good to labor among the people and share in the Word of the Lord with precious souls who love the Lord and desire to have a closer walk in Christ. We continue to thank those who have kept us in your prayers and thoughts. At times, the work has not been easy, and at times we have known hardships, but through your prayers and support we have also known the blessings of God in our journey and have shared in the healings and miracles He has performed. May God Bless each of you as you  read this report and may you understand a bit more about your fellow members in other nations  and  the workings of the Holy Spirit within those areas. I close in the Joy and Peace of the Lord. I will write again from the Philippines.

You’re Brother in Christ,

Apostle Norman D. Lyles

Beginning this report, let me firmly state that the Work of God in Africa has been a blessing to me and a time of rejoicing in the Power and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we finished our final meetings on this journey with our brothers and sisters and the Disciples and Vice Bishops; very few had dry eyes. In my heart were an ache and already a longing to continue the work in Africa and among those whom mean so much to me. The Disciples and Vice Bishops and Women have labored so tirelessly and unselfishly to help the Work of the Lord to prosper and grow. These who have hazarded their very lives for the Work and Word of God. It humbles my very soul to have the honor to labor among them and call them my brothers and sisters. I presented some of my brothers with Bibles I had purchased for them and yet it seemed like so little to me to give in return for the effort and work they do daily.

We traveled to Nairobi Kenya on the 12th of May and our last few days in Kenya for this journey. The ride took five an half hours and I found myself wanting to simply turn around and spend a few more months laboring in this wonderful country, however Christ has work for us yet to do in India. The next few days just flew by in a flash, as Brother Ron and Sister Linda hosted us and tried to do everything needful for us as we prepared to depart. Sister Gillian helped her Sister Linda and Brother in law Ron to make our time of leaving a bit less complicated and not nearly so stressful. We cannot begin to express how wonderful these souls are who struggle to care for us and our needs so unselfishly. Thank you Lord for the love and dedication of these whom you have made unto us such a blessing and a Joy.

We boarded the plane bound for India on the 15rh of May and arrived in India on the 16th. Our Journey was uneventful and we arrived on the 16th of May. Air India the following day on the same flight crashed killing all aboard, except six souls while attempting a landing during a thunder storm.

After a three hour rest, we arose and attended services in New Delhi.  I preached and taught as did Brother Larry. The temperature in India was a record high for May at 115 degrees during the day and cooling at night to a temperature of 98 degrees. Disciple Vimal Jaitley was a gracious and wonderful host, blessing us with looking to our every need; while his wife also blessed us with good food and trying to help us in every way. Sister Jaitley is a true handmaiden of the Lord and a very patient woman. After Church we traveled to the home of Rajesh for lunch that he and his wife had prepared and we once again were blessed to be in his home after an eight year absence.

We then met with Disciple Vimal and Disciple KK Kapoor to go over the schedule and discovered we needed very much to make some changes to the original schedule which really didn’t leave enough time in New Delhi to do the work needful. We made the changes and rescheduled the travel arrangements and then checked with Philippine Embassy for Larry’s Visa to that nation, as he was unable to obtain it before our departure from America. We then did some repacking for our journey to south India and the Chennia and Sivagangai and Erode areas. We emptied our suitcases and put what was needful in our packs and showered, did laundry and tried to rest before our departure on the 19th of May for Chennia.

The two and half day train ride to Chennia India was interesting, as our locomotive, broke down and it delayed us by a day. Then we had to be rerouted due to flooding in the Chennia area. On the 21st of May we arrived in Chennia India. It was extremely hot there also (in fact schools had canceled for two weeks due to the extreme heat). The entire city of Chennia, home to over 5million people was on total water rationing: all homes receive any form of water only on Sundays. This condition creates many difficulties to the poor people who need water to sustain life. We could buy bottled water, but the people lack the funds to do so and are limited to what they can store as they hand pump all they can save on Sunday to last them through the week.

We arrived in the afternoon and then studied with our Disciple Abraham through the night until about 11pm, before retiring to rest. We are staying within Disciple Abraham again this journey and his wife Stella and their two daughter’s do all they can to make us comfortable. We are humbled to be treated so very well. We shall always be grateful to Sister Stella for all she does to make our life easier.

Larry and I purchased some cots to sleep upon and a fan to blow the hot air around at night to keep the mosquito at bay. Then we would travel each night to visit members in their homes for home study. On Sunday the 23rd of May we traveled by bus to the Church and preached and taught to those gathered to worship the Lord; whom we had baptized and set up eight years ago. It was a joy to meet with them once again and share in the Word of God. We continued the home visits during the week and then on the 26th traveled to Kurahipadi, a village some miles north of Chennia. (About 5 and a half hours north) Kurahipadi is a farming village and small city in comparison to Chennia. We met near a refugee camp and there we taught the Word of God to interested souls and shared in the love of God with all who were gathered. Then we traveled back to Chennai, arriving at 3am and walked the two and half miles back to Abraham’s home.

I was blessed to spend my Birthday on the 28th preaching and teaching and also attending a wedding. We were blessed to teach many good souls following the wedding and then traveled back to Abraham’s home and packed for our journey to the city of Sivagangai, which is seven and half hours journey south of Chennia.

On Sunday we were blessed once again to be in the Church we had set up eight years ago. The local church is progressing and being blessed by the Evangelist who is faithfully serving the flock. The Evangelist is named D. Dayanithi and has been a faithful and indeed a wonderful Servant of Christ and His Church. He has built his flock up from a core group of five souls to almost forty souls and although not all are baptized; all are seeking the Lord and hearing the Word of the Lord and not the teachings of man. During our weeks stay in Sivagangai. We were blessed to have two Sunday’s here and every night we held services and taught the people. The only other Christian churches here are the church of south India and the Catholic Church. On our journey here in 2002 we baptized five souls: D. Dayanithi, S.S. Rajkumar, D. Jeevanantham, D. Maria Selvam, and K. Nathiya Nahomi; on December 1, 2002. We were blessed on June 6, 2010 to baptize three more precious souls and the Spirit of God called D. Dayanithi to the responsibility of Disciple and he was ordained this same day to Disciple of India.

Every night, the members had us over for a dinner they had specially prepared for us and blessed us with their fellowship and love. Our Brothers and Sisters here are not wealthy in money; however they are rich in the Spirit of God! It touches our very souls to find such Christian love and charity and I am reminded in truth of the words of the Apostle Paul in second Corinthians 8:1-6, wherein he said, “How that in great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. For to their power, I bear record, yea, and beyond their power they were willing of themselves; praying us with much entreaty that we would receive the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of ministering to the saints. And this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave themselves to the Lord and unto us by the will of God.”  In spite of the hardship and deep poverty here, they sought to care for us and to listen with joyful hearts to the Word of God. Each night they came with a hunger and thirst for the Word of God and indeed the Spirit of God provided and all were filled. Truly God is great and His Mercy has no bounds. On the sixth of June, 2010 of our Lord we baptized three precious souls unto the lord. Victor Rajakumar, Elizabeth, and Esther were baptized near Sivagangai and the Spirit and Power of the Lord bore witness to their conversion and their faith. It was a blessed time for all and we give glory and honor unto God.

In the evening Brother Larry, K. K. Kapoor, Vimal Jaitley and Myself preached one final time before the flock gathered in Sivagangai and Disciple Dayanithi completed our words with his and his appreciation for our coming to Sivagangai. He then took us to the train station for our trip back to Chennia and onto Erode on the following day.

It is my deepest prayer that those who read these words will rejoice and find within them the Spirit and Blessings of God. We send them to edify and bless each of you who read them and to give honor and glory unto God who is the author and creator of all good things in this life. The trials, afflictions, and problems of this life melt away in His Grace and in His Love. We have known His Blessings and His Protection upon our journey. We have felt His Spirit in our meetings and we have shared in the Healings He has provided for the people who love Him and seek Him. We appreciate the prayers and support each of you has provided to make all of this possible. We shall write more from our journey before we depart India. May God Bless and keep each of you and May you rejoice in all that God Has Provided and done during this time.  May His Peace be unto each of you and may each of you stand steadfast in His Word and in His Will.

Your Brother in Christ, Apostle Norman D. Lyles

Construction work on the East African Headquarters

Missionary work in Kenya

Missionary work in Africa

Today Brothers as we are preparing ourselves and our last details before we depart Sivagangai, we traveled to one of our members place of work. They are a husband and wife team who labor as teachers for the developmentally disabled children. They labor for a private school (an unusual thing in India) which was started two years ago to help the children with serious learning disabilities. We prayed for the students, teachers, and school. They take care of over 85 students and we certainly were blessed to be invited to speak to the teachers and students and pray for them. These are the children society has forgotten pretty much in India, however these Christian people have not. We certainly appreciated the opportunity to pray and speak with them. We gave them (the teachers ) our names and addresses and did all we could to encourage them.

Today in the afternoon after lunch it is 1pm, we shall counsel with the pastor and new Disciple Dayanithi and then email you one last time from here with the details concerning the certificates (I have Larry putting them on the blanks and then we will email them to you. We thank you for your prayers, your support and your love. Truly nothing could be accomplished without your faithfulness to support and help the Lord’s Work. May God richly bless you for all you do. Today as or before we depart, we will send the necessary forms for the certificates. God Bless you.

Your Brother in Christ, Norm

Received a quick e-mail from India today.  Things are going well.  Baptized several new members and ordained a new Disciple in the last few days.  The Lord has blessed over the last few months and years.

Greetings in the Name of Christ our Lord. Blessings to all. We are in Chennai South India at this time and it is HOT. We are doing well and the Lord is with us. Want to thank each and everyone for their prayers on our behalf. Without your prayers and support this mission would not be possible. We thank our Lord for His blessings. There is much we must do here for the Lord. Keep us in your prayers. We left New Delhi on the 19th of May. Brothers Vimal Jaitly and K.K. Kapoor are traveling with us. We thank the Lord they had the time to travel with us. We will be back in Delhi on the 17th of June where we will labor for the Lord until we move on to the Philippines.
Apostle Larry T. Gosier.

Our Missionary efforts began in Kenya with Disciple Robert Beck of Germany returning to Germany and His work for the Lord in Europe. It was a painful goodbye to this fine brother who has been such a wonderful help to the work of Christ in Africa. Few can understand the sacrifice and dedication of this fine man who gives so willingly of himself for the Lord’s Work and the Lord’s People. I always feel so honored to have him travel with us in our journeys. He has wisdom and the ability to teach and preach in a way that really moves souls to Christ. His humility and love for the Word and the people cannot be matched.

Brother Larry and I departed for Namanagala this morning aboard Piki-Piki (Motor cycle) and a half hour ride (which is much easier than walking).  There we were blessed to fellowship with the church where Disciple Peter is pastor. We were blessed to share with his flock the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and answer many questions concerning various topics that they had questions and the Lord was able to answer and satisfy the flock. We also blessed 7 children and prayed for the sick.

The following day we would depart on a three week absence from the Kitale area, and a journey that would carry us over most of western Kenya.  Traveling with us were Disciples John Githinji and Peter as we headed for the Matati Local. The Local is Vice Bishop Morris home area and he would welcome us there and be our host as we labored in his area. We worshiped under a large tree in the absence of a church building and were blessed with several catholic guests who were anxious to hear the word of God and share in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The next day we traveled first to the home of Francis Mwansi in the area of Masatha. Francis had moved there recently and requested we stop by and teach the people in his area. We did indeed teach there for several hours and the Spirit of the Lord was strong as we all considered the Word of God and what He has to say about the day and time we live in. Francis lives in a very rural area and yet the people walked quite some distance to hear and share in the Word of the Lord and learn of what God is doing today. We also ordained Francis Mwansi to the responsibility of Evangelist and tried in several ways to help him in his area n our short stay in Masatha.  We departed the home of Francis late, but were able to travel to the Kamolo Local and the home of Brother Godfrey who has been in the Church since it first came to Kenya. The next morning we would hold classes for ten hours on the Church’s foundation, witchcraft, the rapture, the mark of the beast, sin, and baptism. We also answered a multitude of questions on a wide range of subjects which were of interest to the flock, including marriage, divorce, healing, and casting out of demons. Again, our classes were held under a tree and then into the night in a hut. We finally finished up about 2am and then slept for a few short hours until 6am and a departure for the Nambale Local church some distance away.  It had been eight years since we had set foot in this local and we were surprised to witness how much it had grown! The membership could not even fit in the large church and members and guests sat outside listening to the services and teachings. We would teach and preach here for two days and one night. We would also baptize several precious souls and ordain Evaristus Munyakenye to the office and responsibility of Disciple for East Africa. We also ordained his son as an Elder in the Church. During the Church services the following day; as we administered to the sick and prayed for them; a young woman came forward for prayer of her child. We prayed for the child and the child was healed instantly, but the woman was demon possessed and we prayed for her as well and the demon was removed. It is an experience that is common in parts of Africa and other countries that practice witchcraft. The demon spoke to us in English (the woman knew not how to speak in English/ only Swahili), and asked us who we were and we replied servants of the living God; to which the demon replied in Swahili, “Where do you want me to go?”  I told her this child belongs to Christ and you have no right to her –depart in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ. The demon as where again and I replied back to hell from where you came and the demon departed. The woman fell limp for a moment and then began to praise God in Swahili and thank Him for her freedom and give glory unto the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of flock began to praise God as well and it was a powerful witness unto those who were witness to the Power of God!  The mosquito population should have grown fat on this part of the journey, as my body looks not unlike a pin cushion from the bites.

We journeyed late this day for Bungoma, somewhat with concern, as our Brother Peter had come down with malaria and it was troubling him very much.

We took him to a hospital in Bungoma and had him treated there by a doctor. His Malaria was such a problem at that point, we sent him back to Kitale with Vice Bishop Morris to care for him and to take him to a better hospital in Kitale. (He would recover, although not for a few weeks)

At Bugoma we would spend much time on the foundation of the church as contained in Ephesians chapters two and four. It has been a huge help for those in Africa to understand the foundation of the Apostles, prophets, and the Lord Jesus Christ. So many questions that we take for granted in America are very real concerns and demand attention in several places in other parts of the World. It is sometimes surprising to learn of so many different doctrines and witness clearly, how mankind has departed the Word of God for the things of man. People worldwide have become complacent when it comes to the Word of God; and yet it states plainly in 2 John verse 9, “Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God.” If you have not the Doctrine of Christ; that only leaves one other doctrine: Satan. Who among us would want to have the doctrine of Satan? The Bible is so specific and serious about this subject: read first Timothy chapter 4:1-3 and Amos 8:11-12 and tell yourself that God has not warned us of the time we live in.  We find the people in Africa very interested and wanting to be firmly on the foundation of the Lord.

From Bungoma, we traveled to Bucharo and to the home area of Disciple Fred Makangi.  We arrived in the late afternoon amid rain and were so warmly welcomed by Disciple Fred’s entire family. The local there is called the Bucharo Local and the family has even given a plot of land for the building of the Church structure. While at this local we ordained Peter Mukhwana Muchuma into the ministry and this solid young man will be a blessing unto those who live in the area of the Bucharo local. Fred’s family made us feel so at home and although we were blessed by a lot rain; the Lord’s Word still was taught and preached to all that were gathered. It was such a blessing to stay at the home where Disciple Fred was raised and meet with his folks and all his relatives. We shall always remember the fine welcome they gave us and the warmth and love they shared during our time in the area.

From the Bucharo local we traveled to the home of Gillian Shiviaro’s parents and once again were welcomed warmly. It had been eight years since last we were here and her parents welcomed us as if it had been yesterday.   Her father shared with us his Quaker roots and explained how Christians had come to Kenya originally and some of the things they had taught the people. This amazing man had raised many children on a teacher’s salary, built a home with his own hands, and sent all his children to college.  The quality of his character and the integrity with which he carried himself is a lesson in human dignity and honor.

From the Shiviaro homestead we journeyed to the Gisambai local.  We would stay two days here and continue to teach and preach among God’s people and were blessed to stay with Francis Lunuki.  We also baptized many souls at this local and shared in the love of Christ with those who had traveled far to hear the Word of God. Departing the Gisambai local we then traveled to Elderot and the Hurama local. Disciple Tom Matekwa is Pastor here and welcomed us and we once again were able to share in fellowship and Joy with members we had missed for some eight years.  I even got to see my name sake (Norman) who was named after me some eight years ago:  he is Brother Benson’s son and what a fine young man he has become! Of course I might be prejudiced a bit. We taught and preached there for two days and one night and then walked about four miles to baptize several precious souls who had made a decision for the Lord Jesus Christ. Disciple Tom and his lovely wife, (who is soon to deliver another child) took excellent care of us and blessed us with food, a place to lay our heads and the warmth of their lovely home and fellowship that would match angels.

From Elderot, we traveled to the Sukunanga Local church and there we again taught and preached and were blessed to be able to teach on marriage and divorce and how God handles such matters. There were many questions and it was very needful for those present to learn of God’s answers and solutions to some very serious and difficult issues.

Departing Sukunanga we traveled two and half hours by mutate to the Moi Ben local Church and were welcomed warmly again by the precious souls who love God and His Word. Moi Ben is somewhat isolated and off the beaten track. It is a bit like traveling back in time. Nasiali Hudson is the Pastor of this church and is a man of solid values and honest report. He loves the Lord and His Word and preaches and teaches with authority. We were blessed to share in the Word of God with those honest in heart and the Holy Spirit was in abundance as we looked carefully into the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit witnessed to the truthfulness of His Word and His Understanding washed over all present. It was a pleasant and fulfilling time for all present.  We then departed for the long journey to Kitale and a night of rest and a day to try to put things together for the next leg of our journey among the local churches of Western Kenya.

On April 23 we traveled to Kacheliba and the area of the Pokots. We had longed to be among our beloved brothers and sisters in this wonderful place. We completed the three and half hour journey by mutate to the drop off place and then expected a five hour walk back to the local church.  We were pleasantly surprised to find we would ride piki-piki back to the local church (motor cycle) and this save a tremendous amount of time and wear and tear. I remember the first time we came here and the walk along a moon lit night, walking along through the thorn brush and no visible path, but after five and half hours we arrived. Now when we arrived along the same path, we traveled by motor cycle and upon our arrival we discovered the Church they had built, the homes they had constructed, the community in Christ filled with His Love, respect, and dignity. What had been a good community of fine people with nothing; God had blessed with a water well, homes, a church, and a community who worshiped God and respected each other and carried the Word to the communities around them both in Kenya and Uganda. What a Blessing!  We preached and taught once more where we had begun a work eight years  ago and after two days of preaching and teaching we once again walked to the river and brought even more souls unto God through the waters of Baptism and the short walk to the river was truly a blessing to Brother Larry and Myself. It was as if we were attending a family reunion!! The Church has even developed a wonderful choir that blessed us with songs from the throne of God. Pastor John Kapeliswa has done such a wonderful work among his people and truly you can see the blessings of God in Him.

We traveled from Kacheliba to Lelani, and more specifically the local church of Kapero.  It was a beautiful journey and we were blessed with some mountains and packing our packs amid some steep mountains and a walk through moon lit paths and amid a bit of rain.  Disciple John Githinji traveling with us has been such a blessing as he adds so much to the work of the Lord. This tireless Disciple has traveled with Brother Larry and myself so many, many journeys and not only helps with translations in areas where it is needful; he and really all the Disciples bless us with  guidance and  information we would otherwise spend much time trying to learn on our own. I shall always thank God for Disciples such as John Githinji, Peter, Fred, Tom, and Everistus, Madembe, Gizamba, Alexander, and Abihud; who have given the Lord their time, their love, and their faithfulness. We are equally blessed with the Vice Bishops Gideon, Dancan, Morris, and Jarius. Without these precious souls the work would be so difficult and at times impossible. Truly God has blessed these men and we feel honored to have them laboring with us for the Lord.  After teaching and preaching for two more days and nights, the Lord again received several precious souls through the waters of Baptism and all witnessed unto the Lord of the Holy Spirit which had washed them clean and filled them with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Traveling from the Kapero local we journeyed to Kitale and were blessed once again by our sister Gillian Shiviaro who has taken such good care of us and looked to our every need. She is indeed an Elect Sister within the Church and blessing unto all who know her and have seen all she does for the Church and for the needy throughout the community of Kitale and really all of Kenya. God has blessed this sister and we give her the respect and honor she deserves.

Traveling on, we came to the Kabkawa and Machine local churches. These fine locals welcomed us warmly and made our time and our teaching a joyful and pleasant experience. They shared with Joy the Gospel of Christ and His teachings; rejoicing in the Word of God and showing the Christian love which makes our work so rewarding and blesses us so richly. Eager souls, with a hunger for the Word of the Lord, always brings joy to our hearts and  we pray we have left with them some of the understandings and knowledge of the Word of God which will keep them on a solid foundation of our Lord Jesus Christ and also give them a better understanding of the Church’s foundation.

The next morning we departed for Nairobi and the local there. We were so blessed to be able to stay with Brother Ron and Sister Linda. These are the same two precious souls which welcomed us upon our arrival to Africa some three months ago. I cannot begin to put into words what this fine couple means to us personally. Not only do they sacrifice everything to help us, but their love for the Lord God and His Word is truly amazing! Our Brother Ron simply went far and above what could be expected of anyone as he looked to our every need and sought in every way to help us. Sister Linda and Gillian worked tirelessly to feed us and wash our clothes, and make us feel comfortable. When I think of Christian love these two souls very much come to the forefront of my mind and I shall always hold them deeply within my prayers. We traveled amid rain and at times heavy traffic to the Church and taught for two days. Once again, God blessed us with more baptisms and souls who gave their lives unto the Lord Jesus Christ. The Nairobi local has strong leadership and men of solid Doctrine and men who teach and preach only the things of God. The People themselves are truly Christians who in spite of some real hardships, live the Christian life and uphold the standards of what it truly means to be a Christian.

After returning to Kitale, we then once again loaded up our packs and headed this time to the Sirende area and were blessed to stay with our Sister Regina. We would teach and preach for two days at this fine local and once again God provided several precious souls through the waters of Baptism. God also called two men into the ministry in this local and we ordained them into the ministry and feel certain they will be a great blessing unto the people in that local. The Local also presented us with gifts, which certainly we deeply appreciated.

The next day we traveled to the Soy Mini local and the home of Daniel Bore. This beloved brother we have known since our arrival in Kenya and have shown much wisdom in teaching membership how to become self sufficient in their lives and better able to provide for themselves. He teaches so well in fact, that the government has begun to help him and use him within the community to help many precious souls. We taught for two days here as well and again the Lord by His Holy Spirit drew many souls to the waters of Baptism and the Church gained many more good members. Throughout our journey in all of Africa; God has drawn many unto His Gospel and the Church continues to grow daily. The growth is solid and built upon a strong foundation and souls who come through the waters of Baptism are firmly grounded and understanding very clearly what the Gospel of Christ is and even more importantly: each has become a light unto the community surrounding them. The Light of Christ shines through them and in them.

On the 8th of May we met with the Vice Bishops and helped them to understand and effectively manage the Lord’s Funds and Work. W e have a good group of men who are filled with the Holy Spirit, of honest report and love the Lord and care very much for the flock. The men are serious about helping the Work of the Lord progress and it was very encouraging to witness their love for the Lord’s Work and their faith.

On May 9th we held services in Kitale Local Church and at the Headquarters Building site. The Headquarters Building is almost finished and it is truly a beautiful sight to behold. Brother Larry and I preached and then we served the Lord’s Supper to well over 300 present memberships. It was a joy to our hearts and yet it also was difficult for Brother Larry and me, knowing we would be departing to India in six short days. This would be our last Sunday in Kitale local Church and the East African Headquarters on this journey. It will not be easy to depart from Africa and those whom we love and have labored among to help the Work and Word of God. We thank God for the privilege of laboring here in Africa and share in the Love of God and His Word with all who are members in Africa. We will be meeting with the Disciples for the next few days and the Vice Bishops to give directions and instructions and guidance to help the Work stay on a firm foundation and a steady course for the Lord. These are men who at times hazard their very lives for the Word and Work of the Lord. There are many women who also labor without credit to make the work progress and to insure that the men who carry the Gospel to the people, do not lack in anything. Truly the women in the Churches here in Africa are true handmaidens of the Lord and without them the work would suffer greatly. I praise God for each of them and trust the Lord will bless them in every way.

I hope as each of you read this, you can understand the good things God has done and know that It is Him whom we give honor and praise unto for all that has transpired on this journey. A house built without the Lord will never stand and they, who try to build it, are doomed to fail. It is with that in mind, that we truly praise God and give Him Glory for all that He has done! We thank you for your prayers, your support, and your love. Please know that without all of this from you; there is nothing we could accomplish or do. God bless each of you and may His Peace Be upon you now and forever.

You’re Brother in Christ,

Apostle Norman D. Lyles

This is a blessed day and we thank the Lord for keeping us. We are in Kitale this morning the 6th of May. We will be traveling to our last Local in Kenya today for an overnight.  We will return to Kitale and be here until the 12th when we will leave for Nairobi. We will depart for India on the 15th. God bless all
Larry and Norm.

We write this to you today, knowing the blessings of the Lord and His Grace and protection in our journey for the Lord. It has been a true blessing being here in Africa and the Lord has indeed performed much through His Power and His Love.

The Pastor’s Seminar which we held for five days was a joy and many who came seemed to have been blessed. We taught on the foundation of the Church, Original Sin, the falling way of the Church from the Doctrine of Christ, the Articles of Faith and Practice, marriage, the Tribulation and understanding  of the events that surround it, and where the Church’s Doctrine is on that subject. We answered questions on Doctrine. From March 16th through the 21st we taught classes which were well received by the pastors who were in attendance and many had well thought out and serious questions; which reflected the honest seeking of men who desired to preach and teach the full gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and stand on the firm foundation spoken of in Ephesians chapter 2: 20; “and are built upon the foundation of the apostles, the prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone”.  There are some questions that are unique to Africa and also some that upon our return to America, that might be helpful to the ministry to learn themselves which would enable them to deal with problems and questions that arise in an overseas ministry.

Following the pastor’s seminar, we counseled with those who are building the East African Headquarters building and then prepared ourselves for the coming journey to Tanzania.

We departed for Tanzania minus Disciple John Githinji, who had stayed at home on this journey, due to a serious operation upon his wife. All of us were very much concerned about this surgery and it was such a blessing that the American Church paid for her entire surgery.  She came out of the surgery very well and we all were thankful for the success of the surgery and especially for the kindness and mercy extended by each of you in America who contributed to help sister Githinji and her family.

We traveled all night and arrived at the border of Tanzania at 9am. We waited there for Pastor Masatu Abihudi.  From the border we traveled the rest of the day around Lake Victoria on “the roads” to the village of Chimati, finally arriving at 4pm in the evening. The “roads” in this area are little more than paths, which a good four wheel drive vehicle would find interesting driving. It is a beautiful area with rich vegetation and lots of farms. We have arrived during the rainy season and we have a reprieve from the heat and instead, we are blessed with a lot of muddy paths to walk!  The community has welcomed us and blessed us with a warm friendship and a willing heart and ear to hear the Gospel presented to them.  We teach from early morning until late evening and answer questions concerning the Word of the Lord, and there is a tremendous amount of questions concerning witchcraft, which is prevalent especially in this area of Tanzania. We also have been praying for the sick and needy, and God has been very gracious in blessing us with many, many healings. We also have been casting out demons from precious souls who have through their own misguided efforts, allowed themselves to become demon possessed.  The traditions of their fathers over the ages have often intermixed with the word of God and have created many problems in this area of Tanzania. Sometimes we in America forget our nation is barely over two hundred years old and hasn’t had the influences that exist in a continent that is several thousand years old; even older than most western nations in Europe. This has allowed cultural differences and traditions to pollute and bring confusion among many believers to Christ in this part of God’s Vineyard.  This requires a keen understanding of the Old Testament and also of what is the culture and traditions that exist in parts of Africa.

After many days and nights of teaching and preaching in this rural area of Tanzania and sharing in some wonderful fellowship and praise and worship;

God blessed us with ten baptisms and one ordination of Brother Masatu Abihud to the responsibility of Disciple in East Africa. There are many, many more who will be baptized in the not too distant future, however due to the rainy conditions and people’s work responsibilities; those will be accomplished by our Disciple in the days to come.

The walk to Lake Victoria is about six miles one way and although it is indeed a beautiful journey, it is also time consuming. Needless to say, we have been blessed with lots of fish to eat and lots of rice and banana. It has been a pleasant change to our diet from the past several weeks (although the food has been excellent with rice, ugali, goat, chicken, and now and then some fish). I truly wish each of my brothers and sisters could experience the wonderful way we are treated and fed and comforted here in Africa. Our Brothers and Sisters lovingly give all they have to make our stay and our time comfortable.

From Chimati we traveled to Seka and more of a country town environment. It wasn’t so different from a small country town in the Midwest. We would start preaching and teaching in the town square under a tree and before long, we would have a crowd of interested people.  The area has been exposed to the seventh day Adventist groups and we had some very interesting discussions with many of the pastors and membership there. For two days and nights we shared the Gospel with these wonderful people who listened with open hearts and ears and very much were interested; and have requested we return and help them form a Church of Christ in that area.

We departed about one day early due to some illness and minor injuries among the ministry team there. My own left knee was swollen and reasonably painful and Disciple Fred had a badly infected tooth and others of our group had various illnesses. We felt it wisdom to return one day early and get a bit of medical help for those in need; as our next section of this missionary journey will be in isolated parts of Kenya and a long way from any kind of medical assistance. We felt it better to arrive in the coming area at least somewhat healthy.

It was good to be back in Kitale and the East Africa Headquarters and also to help in the management of the building of the headquarters building. The building is progressing very well. The Brothers labor long hours and truly are building a wonderful headquarters Building!  Most of the women in the Church gather daily, preparing food for the men laboring on the Church, and many of the other members come daily bringing a bag of cement, donating their food, their money, their time, wood, steel, and one precious brother even has paid the cost of the roof entirely himself!  These are not wealthy people and some of their donations amount to nearly several months’ income and all has given what little they have to build what they understand to be the House of God. When I observe the sincerity and love which they precious brothers and Sisters come and give all they have, to enable the building to be completed; I have wipe the tears from my eyes at their faith and their love for the Lord and His house.

New Building

Today on April 4th, 2010 in the evening; our Brother Disciple Robert Beck departed our company to return to Nairobi, Kenya.  He will then fly back to Germany on the 7th of April. He has much work to accomplish in Europe and although it grieves our hearts to see him depart; we understand that the Lord has need of him in Germany as well. Robert has been such a blessing and a true help to the work in Africa. Our room seems a bit empty this night as I write this report to each of you. The dedication and love Disciple Beck has for the Work and Word of the Lord is more than I have witnessed in many, many men. I know the Lord is well pleased with this precious Brother and fellow worker for Christ. Probably one of the best ways to measure the worth of a man is how much He loves the Lord and serves the people of the Lord in a very humble and unselfish way. Disciple Beck is a rare individual and a blessing unto all that know him.

We traveled to Namanjala this day and preached on Easter Sunday and then again on the Monday following. We Ordained Brother Morris to Vice Bishop and Brother Alfred to an Evangelist and have scheduled a lot of baptisms for the not too distant future for Namanjala, when we return to Kitale again.

I will close this missionary report for now, but I pray and hope that each of you who read this may have a bit of an idea of what is transpiring here in Africa. Obviously we have left out the difficult times, as the purpose of a missionary report is to edify the flock and uplift the Spirits of those who read our words. I can assure you however, that the good far outweighs the difficult times. God is accomplishing much and your prayers, your support and your love is so very deeply appreciated.   I will try to send some pictures later tonight and if this old man can figure it out; then I hope you will be blessed. May the Lord Bless and Keep each of you.

Your Brother in Christ Apostle Norman D. Lyles.


Greetings unto each of you, who read this report of March 20, 2010. I pray that you may understand the workings of God and His Holy Spirit during the time since last we reported unto you. We truly thank you for your prayers, your support and your love.

God who is the author of all good things has blessed us on this journey and protected us in ways that would be difficult to explain, suffice it to say that everywhere we have traveled for the Lord, He has provided peace and His Blessings, His Grace and His Love as we journey among the children of God in Rwanda, Kenya and Uganda. It would be impossible to tell of all the people who have blessed us upon this part of our journey for the Lord. The kindness, love, and sharing of all they have for us is humbling and touches our souls very deeply. Without the blessing and goodness of our Brothers and Sisters in Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda; life would have been extremely more difficult.

We are blessed to stay in homes and far too often, they give all of what little they may have to try to comfort our stay and insure we are safe, often at risk unto themselves. We also must give credit unto those who pray, labor, and tithe in America to make all of this possible. It is all these who deserve honor and credit for the missionary effort we are upon.   We are simply vessels which God may use to glorify His Holy name and edify the Body of Christ: His Church.

We departed Kenya for Rwanda, accompanied by Disciple John Githinji, Disciple Fred Mikangi, Disciple Robert Beck, and Apostle Larry Gosier Williams. It was two days of straight travel via Matatu and Bus; we traveled roads not always so smooth and a bit dusty at times. The Lord provided us with safe journey to Kigali, Rwanda; a place I had been in 1992 and the city had changed so very, very much.

We were greeted there by Sister Drocel and some pastors from other churches and a good brother and Pastor Miana James. Pastor James would be a blessing in so many ways and is truly a man who loves the Lord and is firm in the Work of God.  His kindness and humble ways will remain forever in my mind and heart.

For the first few days we visited our membership in Kigali and labored with the Pastors from other churches which sister Drocel had brought for us to labor with. We presented unto them the Unity of the Gospel of Christ, and shared with them the love and word of God. Many of them seemed touched by the Spirit of God and witnessed unto us that they had been preaching the doctrines of man and the traditions of men. These were good men with a love for the Lord, but for the most part, they lacked grounding and understanding of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. (This may seem odd to some reading this report—however should I go into detail you would be a bit surprised at some of the doctrines that these men carried and some of the basic teachings of Christ which fell far short of the Doctrines of Christ. And the second book of john in the back of your bible in verse 9 we are told –if you have not the doctrine of Christ—you have not God) It is no fault of men if they have not full understanding of the Gospel. Where in lies the problem; is when men come to understanding and fail to correct themselves and their mistakes. These good men were willing and we have scheduled the Disciples to return unto them for more teaching and help with the Doctrines of Christ that they might stand on firmer ground. The honesty and love of the flocks we visited was very heartwarming and a true blessing to all of us. These fine people of Christ were so willing of themselves to seek the Lord and to be obedient unto the Word and Will of God. Although they were poor in material goods; they were rich in the Spirit of God and in His Love and in His Mercy.

We then transferred from sister Drocel’s home to the home of Pastor James to continue to reach out to those in need of the Word of God in Kigali. Pastor James ever so graciously had us preach and teach in two of the Churches which he was connected unto.  Brother Larry, and Brother Githinji, and Brother Beck; traveled to one church and myself and Brother Fred traveled to the Church with Pastor James. There we were blessed to be allowed to preach and teach and share in the Word of God with all who were present.

Returning to the home of Pastor James, we were blessed to share in the Gospel with several of the Pastors in James home.  Those present seemed sincere in their interest and in the fellowship we all shared. Pastor Alexander Fire offered to translate the Message in its entire form as a book. It will enable to allow the Message to reach over 10 million people in Rwanda and Congo. I also received an invitation to travel to Congo and preach and teach to several hundred churches and share the Gospel and Message for today unto “a much needed people with the desire to hear the true word of God” Some of this came through prophecy before our departure from Kenya in the Kitale Local church.  We rejoiced at the working of God and His Holy Spirit. Following the Genocide which happened in Rwanda in 1994; there has become a true hunger for the healing of Christ through the Word of God. People are hungering and thirsting for the Word of the Lord. It bring so much joy to my heart to know and feel the Spirit of the Lord working among these whom the Lord loves and desires to heal. It tells us in revelation 22 that the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations and we can plainly witness a healing taking place.

It was difficult to leave Rwanda and the joy and fellowship we  had shared in Kigali, however we needed to be in Uganda and to help the work there; so we departed and once again traveled by bus and Matatu for Mbale, Uganda and the Lord’s Work that awaited us there.

We would be welcomed there by Disciple Robert Gizamba and his lovely wife Rose. This wonderful minister welcomed us into his home and would take care of us and allow us to use his home as a base of operations for our missionary effort in the Ugandan area. What a blessing this fine couple would be for us and the Work of the Lord. Both Robert and His wife did everything possible to make our time in Uganda pleasant and enabling us to accomplish the needful things in our travels and ministering in that part of Uganda.

Disciple Githinji departed for Kenya and Disciple Tom Matekwa joined us to help with the work in Uganda. Without these good men, our efforts in Uganda would be much more complicated and surely less effective. We traveled onto the slopes of Mt. Elgon and to the local church of Kapchora, where two other churches had traveled to join us in the teachings and preaching. We would spend two days and a night in this area and would enjoy a respite from the heat, with some rain. The down side of the rain is it also caused mudslides which unfortunately covered some homes and caused the deaths of over 100 people and made travel a bit more complicated. The water falls upon Mt. Elgon are truly a beautiful sight and the area is lush with tropical growth and banana plants and mango and avocado trees, which offered us with fresh fruit every day. We taught the gospel and helped in training the pastors who had gathered there; God enabled many things which had been problems for them to be cleared up and also enlightened the flocks to a clearer understanding of the Word of the Lord.

Some of the Pastors requested and were invited to a pastor’s seminar we would be teaching in Kitale, Kenya in about two more weeks.  There is great interest in the Gospel and an honest desire among those in the ministry to all preach and teach only the words of the Lord and to abide in His Teachings. It tells us in Romans 10 “Faith comes by hearing, but hearing the Word of God”, and how can they hear, without a preacher, and how can they preach, except they be sent. There are many ideas and doctrines of men in the world today, yet do we not clearly understand it is only the Gospel of Jesus Christ which brings forth knowledge and repentance? It is Christ who said that He was the bread of Life in John chapter 6 and if we eat of the bread of life; we would have eternal life. So truly we rejoice when we find men of honest report and filled with the Spirit of God whom honestly seeks the Word of the Lord.

Sunday the 7th of March found us in the Mbale local Church preaching and teaching and baptizing souls whom have made a decision for the Lord. The rain stopped long enough for baptisms and following the baptisms, we journeyed onward to Baboa/Kasuleta area and once again taught the leaders more concerning the Gospel. Disciple Beck from Germany, suffered with malaria, yet he continued on with us and was a wonderful help in preaching and teaching from the Word of the Lord. This strong Disciple has been such a blessing unto us in our travels in carrying the Gospel to so many precious souls. His gentle manner and loving Spirit is an inspiration to all that meet him.

Traveling unto another church west of Mbale, we encountered some souls whom had been involved in witchcraft and demon possession. We found several souls who had demons and with prayer and lying on of hands; God was able to remove the demons and it was there for the entire church to witness. We then counseled them on how to avoid such things in the future. Demons are real and people far too often, open themselves unto them, by the way they conduct their lives and the things they do. Demons have no power over Christ and Christ promised to indwell us.

We then traveled to the home of Disciple George Madembe and were able to preach and teach to the Church gathered there, before returning late in the day to Mbale Uganda. The Church gathered at Disciple’s Madembe home area was such a blessing and his wife made us feel so welcome and we met there a man who would later follow us to Kitale Kenya and be baptized at the Pastors Seminar we were holding in Kitale. He was a good man and seeking with an open heart the Lord and desired so much to walk in the Word and live by the word of God.

At Mbale we baptized 9 precious souls who had waited us, before departing for the Church at Bubwaga where preached and taught to the four churches gathered there to greet us, along with several pastors from different Churches.

We taught and preached all day and then taught the pastors at night, expounding unto them a deeper understanding of the Gospel than they had known before. We stayed up most of the night clearing up questions they had asked concerning the teachings of men and traditions they had been participating in which were simply the traditions of men and certainly were not an edification unto the flock.

The next day we  walked about five miles to the river and baptized eleven souls and confirmed them members of the Church; and then walked another four miles to the Church at Bubwaga and ordained two men. The Spirit of God was in abundance and the blessings of God were upon all that were present. Some of these precious souls had walked over 15miles in rugged mountains with lush jungle growth to arrive and receive the teachings and would travel back through a

Sky filled with the rain which had accompanied us throughout Uganda. To myself the rain is a blessed relief from the heat (even though it remains hot even in the rain), but it makes travel a bit difficult on these mud soaked trails on steep mountain slopes.

The next day we returned to Mbale, in preparation for a journey to Tororo and the home of Disciple Opolot, who was laboring in Kampala. We spent the night fellowshipping with his wife and sharing in the love of God and His Word. She graciously fed us, and allowed us to spend the night. We spoke deep into the night of the things of God and calling her husband on the phone and praying for him and his family.

We arose early the next morning and began the journey back to Kitale, Kenya.

We arrived via Matatu after a four and half hour journey. Dusty, somewhat weary from our travels, but ever grateful for the safe journey our Lord had given unto us. Peace accompanied us the entire way, and although many difficult things which I have not written about were part of our journey, we full well understand that it is God whom provided our protection and all the precious souls who came through the waters of baptism, the understanding of the pastors, and men who became part of Christ’s ministry during our journey, and the healings that have accompanied us throughout our journey in Africa. We feel that God has better equipped the ministry to function in a land where it is so necessary to bold in the word of God, but also to have the wisdom of God not to offend while being zealous for the Word of God, and to look to the needs of the people and ground them in the Word of the Lord. We spent much of our time teaching the foundation of the Lord’s Church and His Doctrine, as 2nd John (small book in back of your bible) verse 9; tells us “if you have not the doctrine of Christ, you have not God”. Much of our teaching comes from Ephesians, and all of the teaching comes only from the Word of God. All things are proven by the Word of God and in much of Africa; there is a real need to move away from the traditions of men. Many of the pastors would travel the following week to Kenya for the Pastor’s Seminar we would hold there for five days and nights. We will be holding it for 13 hours per day; and the men attending are very serious about the word of God.

Arriving back in Kitale, Kenya; we walked to the Church Headquarters for East

Africa, and observed the progress on the construction of the building. All of the Church members in Kitale were at work. The women cooking on the construction site. They were cooking on open fires Ugali, rice, and Chicken, and tea—all the while tending to their children, as the men worked on the building.  Each day began with prayer, then men would labor (all by hand) digging the foundation over eight feet deep, hand cutting the steel for the pillars, breaking the rocks by hand, mixing cement from bags by hand. All the work is done without machinery and all is done manual labor. Donkeys bring the timbers, steel, and other heavy things. Members bring what little they have (chickens, rice, maze, tea, cement bags, money for materials, and labor for 12 to 16 hours each day) they sleep in the temporary church building on the floor on mats and sing praises unto God.

I cannot express how deeply the construction of the east Africa headquarters building touches me; to witness how deeply these members love the Lord and labor for the Building of the headquarters building and how very much it means to them: there are simply not enough words to express how great of a matter this really is to the people here. When I read about the building of the temple of the Lord I find it very, very similar. The body (church) of Christ, laboring with one accord and praising the Lord and singing praises unto the Lord. All God’s people laboring together in love and Unity. What a Joy and Blessing! In my next report I will tell of the Pastor’s seminar and our journey into Tanzania.

I hope and pray that all who read this report will forgive any spelling errors and truly be blessed with understanding how the Lord’s work is progressing here in Africa. God has poured out His Spirit in Great measure and we have known His protection in our travels. We have known His Love and His Grace in our ministry unto the people of the Lord. We truly have been blessed ourselves and the healings which have been and continue to be part of this journey we are forever grateful unto God. Rejoice my Brothers and Sisters, for indeed the Lord is Faithful and True. God Bless and Keep all who have shared in this report and thank you for your prayers (always needed) and your support and your love.

Your Brother in Christ,

Apostle Norman D. Lyles