Posts tagged ‘Darren Bellamy’

Morning Service, Larry Gosier

Afternoon Word Study, Norm Lyles Pt 1

Afternoon Word Study, Norm Lyles Pt 2

Evening Service, Darren Bellamy

Note: We apologize for the loss of so much of Brother Bellamy’s sermon.  We were having computer trouble that evening and the recording was mostly lost.

Here are the sermon files from March.

March 09, 2014 Darren Bellamy

March 09, 2014 Edward Coffey

March 16, 2014 Terry Laws

March 16, 2014 Terry Laws-2

March 23, 2014 Norris Purifoy

March 23, 2014 William Holden

March 23, 2014 William Holden

March 30, 2014 Larry Gosier

March 30, 2014 Larry Gosier-2

Here are the files for Day two of the Assembly.

Assembly 2012 Day 2 Darrin Bellamy

Assembly 2012 Day 2 Edward Coffey

Assembly 2012 Day 2 Larry Gosier

Here are the last two weeks of sermon files.

November 20, 2011 William Holden

November 20, 2011 Darren Bellamy

November 27, 2011 William Holden

November 27, 2011 Terry Laws

Here are the files from the Sunday of the Assembly. Enjoy.

Assembly 2011 Day 1 Opening

Assembly 2011 Day 1 Darren Bellamy

Assembly 2011 Day 1 Robert Beck

Today was the first day of the Assembly. We started this morning with Norm Lyles and Terry Laws speaking about the importance of sacraments. After sacraments was given to the members we had a prayer and testimony service.

After lunch Larry Gosier talked about our responsibility to God and that there is only one truth. Darrin Bellamy followed and talked over how we must do everything with love and how true love can only come from Christ.

In the evening service Robert Beck talked about only there is only one body of Christ. The body has lots of pieces, but all work together to be the one body.

Tomorrow we will start at 9:00 AM Central time. Feel free to join us at

This morning Disciple Beck continued his video presentation on the missionary trip to Africa.  It was amazing to watch the people half way around the word love the same God with the same belief. After Robert was finished, Apostle Terry did a word study on the 34th Message.

In the afternoon Elder Darrin Bellamy preached on the need for faith and how it plays a role in our walk with God.

Also in the afternoon Evangelist Chris Laws preached on the topic of action and how we are supposed to follow God’s will not our own.  Not every action is of God, but no action is not the answer either.

In the evening service Elder Phil Meihls recounted some of his favorite verses from the message book.

Here are the sermon files from May 23.  We had some technical difficulties on the 18, so we were not able to record the sermons that day.

May 23, 2010 Darren Bellamy

May 23, 2010 Edward Coffey

Here are the last three weeks of sermon files. Right click and chose save as to download.

March 28, 2010 Chris Laws

March 28, 2010 Darren Bellamy

April 04, 2010 Terry Laws

April 04, 2010 Phil Meihls

April 11, 2010 Terry Laws

April 11, 2010 Noris Purifoy

Here are the sermons for the month of February.  I have been on the road traveling which prevented me from uploading them earlier.

February 7, 2010 Terry Laws

February 14, 2010 Tim Gosier

February 14, 2010 Terry Laws

February 21, 2010 Darren Bellamy

February 21, 2010 Chris Laws

February 28, 2010 Darrel Bellamy

February 28, 2010 Bill Holden

Here are today’s sermon files.

January 24, 2010 Bill Holden

January 24, 2010 Darren Bellamy