Posts tagged ‘Noris Purifoy’

Enjoy the word of God.

April 06, 2014 Edward Coffey

April 06, 2014 William Holden

April 13, 2014 William Holden

April 13, 2014 Terry Laws

April 20, 2014 Larry Gosier

April 20, 2014 Norris Purifoy

April 27, 2014 Terry Laws

April 27, 2014 Norm Lyles

Here are the files from Assembly Day 3.

Assembly 2011 Day 3 Norris Purifoy

Assembly 2011 Day 3 Chris Laws

Assembly 2011 Day 3 Terry Laws

Today was another blessed day to serve the Lord.

We started this morning with a word study by Norm Lyles about the false teaching of the rapture. We also covered the tribulation before the second coming of Christ.

This afternoon Noris Purifoy taught about how the church has to be clean. We must use the Bible, the Record of the Nephites, and the Word of the Lord to find the truth. Chris Laws taught the sermon on the mount showing how to be a better person following Christ.

Terry Laws preached about the foundation of Christ’s church and the foundation of his work.

Don’t forget Wed is the last day of the Assembly. Come listen at

Here are the files from today’s service. They are very good.

May 15, 2011 Larry Gosier

May 15, 2011 Noris Purifoy

Today was a great day to cap off the 2010 Assembly of the Church of Christ with the Elijah Message.  In the morning Elder Edward Coffey lead a word study that covered the 35th and 36th messages. It is amazing how all the words that God gives flow together.

After lunch Evangelist Norris Purifoy talked about how God and his word is always the same and does not change.  He is the beginning and the end. We have to follow the true spirit of God and his commandments. We need to do his bidding, not our own.

After Norris taught, Evangelist Chris Laws spoke on repentance and baptism.  We have to follow God’s plan to receive our salvation, we can not alter it in any way. That way is by Faith, Repentance, and Baptism.

Right before dinner, Aaron E. Staley was baptized into the Church of Christ with the Elijah Message. It was a great celebration of a new birth in Christ

The Baptism:

The conformation:

In the evening Apostle Terry Laws and Disciple Beck recapped the week and emphasized how we need to follow all the words of God.  After Terry spoke sacraments were served to the members present.

Here are the last three weeks of sermon files. Right click and chose save as to download.

March 28, 2010 Chris Laws

March 28, 2010 Darren Bellamy

April 04, 2010 Terry Laws

April 04, 2010 Phil Meihls

April 11, 2010 Terry Laws

April 11, 2010 Noris Purifoy